Analysis for bilirubin

When metabolism in the body, hemoglobin is cleaved in the liver, forming bilirubin as a decay product. It is found in serum and in bile. Bilirubin is excreted from the body with urine and feces, as well as bile. If the level of bilirubin increases, it manifests itself in the form of yellowing of the skin - jaundice .

When analyzing the content of bilirubin in the blood plasma, determine the direct and indirect types of this pigment. Two types are common bilirubin. Direct - this is when the pigment is already bound in the liver cells and ready for removal, and the indirect one was formed recently and has not yet been neutralized. The content of bilirubin in the blood shows how the liver and bile ducts work. Increasing the pigment level to high marks is a very dangerous phenomenon and requires immediate action.

How to take an analysis for bilirubin?

There are several rules for taking a blood test for common bilirubin:

  1. In order to determine the level of bilirubin, blood sampling is made from the vein on the inside of the elbow of the arm. Infants take blood from the heel or vein on the head.
  2. Before taking the test for at least 3 days you can not take fatty foods and you need to refrain from alcohol.
  3. The analysis is done only on an empty stomach. You must starve at least 8 hours. As a rule, blood is taken in the morning. For children there are no restrictions.

The result of the analysis can be influenced by the following factors:

Norms of bilirubin in a blood test

The norm of total bilirubin for adults is from 3.4, (according to other sources from 5.1) to 17 micromolar per liter.

The indirect fraction is 70-75%, the readings in micromoles per liter range from 3.4 to 12. The direct fraction varies from 1.7 to 5.1 micromolar per liter. Some sources say that the norm can be considered from 0 to 3.5 micromolar per liter.

It should be noted that in pregnant women a slightly elevated level of bilirubin is usually considered the norm. For newborns, the such as they fluctuate daily, this is due to the natural processes in the body of babies.

Bilirubin in the analysis of urine

If bilirubin is found in the analysis of urine, this is the first sign of malfunction in the liver and bile ducts. Analysis provides early detection of diseases such as: