Oxygenotherapy - indications and contraindications

Oxygenotherapy is the use of oxygen for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. Oxygen is vital in the body for carrying out cellular respiration, so the physiological effect of such therapy is very important in hypoxia, when it is necessary to compensate for oxygen deficiency in tissues.

Indications for oxygen therapy

Indications for oxygen therapy are a variety of conditions. This procedure is very effective in acute or chronic respiratory failure and obstructive pulmonary disease. It is also used when:

This procedure helps and recover faster after poisoning with carbon monoxide and alcohol. Indications for oxygen therapy are many, but there are practically no contraindications and side effects. It is not recommended to be performed only with pulmonary hemorrhage .

Advantages of oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is carried out through the nasal catheter. Only in this way can replace the lack of oxygen. This procedure has a lot of advantages in comparison with other methods of treatment. In addition to the fact that oxygen therapy has only one contraindication, it does not cause pain and does not damage the skin. It can be combined with other hardware techniques (vacuum techniques, microcurrent therapy, microdermabrasion).

Also, the advantage of oxygen therapy is that after it there are no complications. The effect after it is only positive: