Pulmonary haemorrhage

Pulmonary bleeding is the outflow of large amounts of blood into the lung lumen area. Most often the blood comes in the usual liquid form, but in some cases it has impurities of phlegm. This is a very dangerous condition, as it can lead to bronchial obstruction and impaired airway patency.

Causes of pulmonary hemorrhage

The reasons provoking the occurrence of pulmonary hemorrhage are many. In more than 65% of the appearance of this condition, tuberculosis of the lung is to blame. Also there is a pulmonary hemorrhage at:

Often the causes of such bleeding are malignant lung tumors, parasitic lesions, pneumoconiosis and surgical interventions on the bronchi and lungs. May cause the emergence of this condition and severe injuries of the chest, such as a fracture of the ribs.

In addition to diseases of the respiratory system, pulmonary hemorrhage can occur with diseases of blood vessels and heart: with mitral stenosis, myocardial infarction or hypertension.

Symptoms of pulmonary hemorrhage

Most often, pulmonary hemorrhage begins with hemoptysis. Coughing can be with sputum scarlet or dark scarlet, with the possibility of blood and through the nose. The blood in this case can be frothy, and coagulation will not occur.

Signs of pulmonary hemorrhage include the appearance of a strong persistent dry cough and a sensation of gurgling or tickling in the throat. The patient may also have:

To frequent symptoms of pulmonary hemorrhage is also shortness of breath, tinnitus, vomiting.

First aid for pulmonary hemorrhage

When pulmonary hemorrhage occurs, the patient needs emergency medical care and hospitalization. But, if you were next to the victim, then before the arrival of doctors is:

  1. Provide him complete physical peace.
  2. Remove clothing that makes breathing difficult.
  3. Help him take a semi-sitting position (preferably with a slope to the affected side so that the blood does not get into the healthy lung).
  4. Apply a cold compress to the patient's chest.

Assistance for pulmonary hemorrhage should be not only physical, but also psychological. Try to calm the patient. Excessive emotional stress can aggravate the situation.

It is unacceptable in this state to talk a lot and move, take food or drink liquid in any form. During first aid for pulmonary hemorrhage, one should not take a hot bath or shower, put cans, mustard plasters or other hot compresses, especially in the chest area.

Treatment of pulmonary hemorrhage

Treat pulmonary hemorrhage only in the hospital. The patient should always be in a semi-sitting or lying position. For treatment, always prescribe drugs that contribute to blood clotting. If possible, the bleeding vessel is pressed with a special tampon with epsilon-aminocaproic acid or adrenaline. The patient is also shown blood transfusion, haemostatic devices, glucose and calcium chloride.

Treatment of pulmonary hemorrhage should always be based on the elimination of not only the discharge of blood, but also the causes of its appearance. If the appearance of this condition provoked the infection, then use antibacterial and anthelmintic agents, and if the cause is a tumor, foreign body or an aneurysm , it is removed.