Injections of Ketanov

Ketanov is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with an active component of tromethamine ketorolac. The medicine has a noticeable analgesic effect, it slows the inflammatory process. The drug Ketanov is produced in the following forms:

From what help injections Ketanov, and in what cases are recommended injections of a drug, we will consider further.

Application of injections of Ketanov

Intramuscular injections of Ketanov are intended for relief of moderate and severe pain for a short time. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of the drug are used:

Ketanov is also used in other areas of medicine.

Why do they take pills and do injections of Ketanov?

Tablets and injections Ketanov shown:

In addition, the drug Ketanov helps to remove the pain syndrome for a while in the postoperative period and is used for conditions caused by the abolition of narcotic drugs.

Ketan injections - side effect

In some cases, side effects are possible after the use of the Ketanov drug, including:

The likelihood of side effects can be minimized by applying the minimum effective dose.

Attention! The risk of side effects increases with the simultaneous administration of Ketanov and other non-steroid drugs.

Contraindications to the use of injections of Ketanov

There are a lot of contraindications to the use of Ketans. A complete listing of them is available in the accompanying instruction. Let's pay attention to the main contraindications: