Pain in the chest on the left

When a person is healthy, he should not experience pain and generally feel the internal organs. It happens that in the chest area on the left there are unpleasant sensations - drawing pain or tingling. Everyone knows that there is one of the most important organs in the body - the heart, and it's worth taking a closer look. But in fact, the prerequisites can be different, so you need to be able to distinguish between dangerous and not very symptoms.

Causes of chest pain in the left

Since the organs of various systems are in the trunk, it is their diseases that are the main causes of the appearance of pain above or under the breast on the left.

Nervous system

The most common cause of pain is cardioneurosis. There is a constant aching pain on the left in the upper chest, accompanied by reddening of the face, increased blood pressure, increased anxiety, apathy or irritability.

Also provoke unpleasant sensations can:

These diseases can be cured by contacting a neurologist.

The cardiovascular system

Accompanied by pain:

Sharp pain in some cases is accompanied by blueness of the face, shortness of breath, a drop in pressure, nausea and general weakness, dizziness, sometimes even loss of consciousness. Most often, urgent hospitalization is required.

Respiratory system

Pain can be felt with such diseases:

Digestive system

Diseases, one of the symptoms of which is pain:

Bone system

The pain is felt in such cases:

Most often, the first thing with pain in the chest is recommended to take nitroglycerin. If he helped, then the cause was heart disease. If it does not pass, you should take antispasmodics or pain medications, and then look for the root cause should no longer be in the heart. It is worth paying attention to the fact that myocardial infarction is not stopped by nitroglycerin.

Having removed an acute attack of pain in the chest to the left, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since, without clarifying the cause of the occurrence, it is impossible to prevent it from repeating.