Burning sensation in the esophagus

Feeling of heat, tingling along the esophagus and in the throat is called heartburn. This unpleasant symptom is not an independent disease, it always accompanies more serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, burning in the esophagus can not be ignored. It should be done in the shortest possible time to search for its cause, in order to begin the appropriate treatment of the digestive system.

Causes of burning in the esophagus after eating

Heartburn immediately or a short time after a meal can occur due to such factors:

Why does the burning sensation in the esophagus occur when eating?

If the described symptom is observed during a meal, its cause may be:

Treatment of burning in the esophagus

Symptomatic therapy of the examined clinical condition consists in an emergency relief of an attack of heartburn. The following medicines are suitable for this:

The primary goal of the main treatment is to eliminate the cause of burning. For this, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations with differentiation of the true heartburn from similar symptoms behind the sternum.

One of the main methods to combat this problem is a special diet. In the diet should limit consumption:

Food should come in warm, preferably crushed, form. It is important to eat small portions, 5-6 times a day. Supportive therapy involves the use of phytopreparations. For example, herbal decoctions from plants such as: