Wine from hawthorn

Let's make the wine from the hawthorn . This is easy, and the drink will preserve all the beneficial properties of the berry - it has a sedative effect, it can be taken (of course, in small amounts) from insomnia and anxiety, it improves the cardiovascular system and helps lower blood pressure.

Wine from hawthorn at home



If you do not know how to make a water trap (the tube is inserted into the cork, tightly joins it, falls into the water), then just buy a pair of medical gloves.

For the production of wine, you can use any berry, even slightly crumpled or overripe, homemade wine from hawthorn will only get more sweet and sated. However, the berries are damaged, with a touch, the worms are removed. Berries are washed and let them dry, laying on paper or a towel. Pour them into a large bottle (with a capacity of 10 liters and above), add sugar, water and finely chopped yeast. You can mix it all in a bowl to make it easier to stir, and then pour into the berries. You can slightly suppress berries with a cricket.

We remove the bottle in a warm place and wait. When a foam appears on the surface, tighten the glove tightly or install a water seal. In the glove, make a small hole with a needle. On the one hand, carbon dioxide must be released, on the other hand, bacteria that are responsible for fermentation need a constant supply of oxygen. When the fermentation is over - usually it happens around the 40th day, you can drain the wine, pour it into bottles and plug it. As you can see, making homemade wine from hawthorn is not more difficult than from cherry or plum, but it's much more useful.

If you do not want to wait long

You can use a more complex, but faster recipe for wine from hawthorn. Preparing such homemade wine from hawthorn without yeast - we use raisins. It will take a quality raisins, on the skin of which there are bacteria, and therefore choose dense berries, not shiny, dark and not juicy. Add them together with half the sugar and warm water to the hawthorn berries, put the water seal and wait a week. The fermentation process ends quickly, after which we give the wine another week to settle and merge.