Pain in the ovaries

Pain in the ovaries is quite common among women in reproductive age. In this case, the nature and frequency of their occurrence are different, and directly depend on the reason that caused their appearance.

Pain in ovulation - the norm?

Many women note the pain in the ovary precisely when the ovulation process passes through the body. In this case the pain is more often sharp, pricking or cramping. The duration of these pains is low, and rarely they last more than 1 hour. Much less often the pain is observed for 1-2 days. In this case, depending on which ovary the follicle came out from, the pain can be observed either from the right or from the left side.

Pain in the ovaries area is directly related to the contraction of the uterine musculature, which contributes to the rapid flow of fluid from the cavity of the burst follicle. It is also worth noting that after ovulation, and also after menstruation, pain in the ovary is much less common. In such cases, it is associated with gynecological pathology.

What are the causes of pain in the ovaries during pregnancy?

Quite often pain in the ovaries worries a woman and during pregnancy. The reasons for their appearance may be several. Most often it is:

  1. The overgrowth of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus is due to the fact that the uterus is constantly increasing in size and growing, i.ะต. rises slightly higher, with it are mixed and neighboring organs, in particular the ovaries.
  2. The presence of an inflammatory process in the ovaries and appendages ( adnexitis , oophoritis).
  3. Painful sensations in the intestinal region, which are given to the lower abdomen, and the woman takes them for severe pain in the ovaries.

Thus, the causes for pain in the ovaries are numerous. Therefore, it is very important to determine in a timely manner and correctly the one that caused the appearance of painful sensations.