Pain in the sternum with osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis is a fairly common disease. Specialists note that the manifestations of the disease are quite diverse, so it is difficult to diagnose on the basis of symptoms.

Features of pain in chest osteochondrosis?

The sternum is the central bone of the chest. With significant physical exertion, the segments that make up the sternum shift, resulting in pain. Painful sensations in chest osteochondrosis vary in intensity and localization.

Dorsago - acute sudden pain in the sternum with osteochondrosis occur most often in people who are forced to sit for a long time, bending over the workplace. In this case, the patient is difficult to breathe because of muscle tension and the limitation of the volume of movements in the thoracic, lumbar spine.

The presence of not pronounced prolonged pains and the accompanying feeling of discomfort are characteristic of dorsalgia. Pain in the chest with this type of osteochondrosis is enhanced with deep breathing, tilting, prolonged static position of the body and at night.

What is often confused in the sternum with osteochondrosis

In osteochondrosis, affecting the thoracic spine, other pain syndromes can also be observed. So, if the upper segment of the thoracic region is affected, the pain in the region of the pharynx or esophagus is palpable. At a pathology of the bottom part of a thoracal department there are painful sensations in an abdominal cavity.

Approximately every fifth case of pain in the region of the heart is associated with osteochondrosis. The syndrome of pain in the heart with osteochondrosis (or cardialgia) patients is taken for the manifestation of a heart attack, angina pectoris. But thus, unlike the present cardiac attack , the pain in the field of heart at an osteochondrosis is not removed or taken out Nitroglycerinum or Nitrosorbitum.

As experts note, breast osteochondrosis often becomes a prerequisite for the disease of internal organs. The most serious complications are the change in coronary vessels and dystrophic phenomena in the heart muscle, which are gradually worsened by the constant irritation of the receptors of the spine. In some cases, pectoral osteochondrosis can lead to violation of intestinal peristalsis, dyskinesia of biliary tract and diseases of other organs of the digestive system. In connection with the seriousness of the consequences, it is not necessary to ignore the pain behind the sternum in case of osteochondrosis. You should contact a specialist to have a comprehensive examination and appropriate treatment.