Pharyngitis - symptoms and treatment depending on the causes of the disease

The first line of defense of the body from viral and bacterial attacks, temperature and other adverse effects is lymphoid tissue in the pharynx. It delays pathogenic cells and irritating particles, after which they are excreted along with the spent mucus.

Pharyngitis - what is this disease?

If the local immunity of the pharynx functions poorly, and the infection is too active, the symptoms of the pathological process begin in the lymphoid tissues. In medicine it is called "pharyngitis" - what it is, it is easy to understand from the translation from the Latin language. Pharynx - pharynx, -itis (suffix) - a strong inflammation. This disease can affect as one department of the body (nose, mouth, or larynx), and all at once.

Is pharyngitis or not?

Pathology is provoked by several factors, among which there are infections. It is important to find out why pharyngitis has started - symptoms and treatment, the transmission routes and the likelihood of complications depend on the causes that caused the ailment. When the inflammatory process makes its debut on the background of hypothermia of the pharynx or chemical irritants, the patient is not dangerous to others. If the disease progresses due to infection with pathogenic microorganisms, the answer to the question is whether pharyngitis is contagious is positive. In such cases, quarantine and appropriate treatment are required.

Pharyngitis - causes of the disease

All the factors provoking the symptoms of the inflammatory process in the lymphoid tissues of the pharynx are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Traumatic (mechanical) causes. Pathology begins after surgical treatment, foreign body exposure, irradiation, exposure to acids or alkalis. Often inflammation causes inhalation of hot steam, cold air, tobacco smoke, toxic chemical fumes
  2. Pathogenic pathogens. They provoke infectious pharyngitis - viral or bacterial. Less common is the mycosis form of the disease, its symptoms cause fungi of the genus Candida (thrush).
  3. Immune factors. Sometimes the inflammatory process begins because of the attack of the body's defense system on its own lymphoid tissues (allergies).

Viral pharyngitis

This is the most common type of described pathology. According to the latest medical research, the main reason, which in 80% of cases provokes pharyngitis is the virus. The main pathogens are:

There are other pathogenic agents that cause pharyngitis - the symptoms and treatment of rare and severe types of infections require an integrated approach. The inflammatory process in this situation is seen as the progression of the underlying disease:

Bacterial pharyngitis

With the weakening of local immunity or close contacts with the carrier of pathogenic microorganisms, infection with microbes occurs. Purulent pharyngitis most often provokes:

In adults, there are still symptoms of specific forms of this type of disease that are caused by the following bacteria:

Allergic pharyngitis

This type of disease develops against the background of oppression of systemic and local immunity. It almost never runs in isolation, at first there is an allergic rhinitis - pharyngitis joins a few days later. This is the most complex form of pathology in terms of therapy, which has a chronic character. At the first stage the doctor should find out, because of what there was a pharyngitis - signs and treatment depend on the originator of inflammatory process in which role act:

To worsen the course of the disease may be associated factors:

Pharyngitis - symptoms

The clinical picture of inflammation of the pharynx corresponds to the shape and course of the pathology. Acute pharyngitis has pronounced symptoms, which facilitates differential diagnosis and subsequent treatment. The chronic type of the disease is less intense, it is easily confused with other ailments of the oral cavity. Signs are markedly aggravated only during relapses.

The nature of changes in the mucous membranes of the pharynx is another criterion by which the symptoms of inflammation and pharyngitis are classified:

Catarrhal pharyngitis

The presented form of the inflammatory process in the lymphoid tissues of the pharynx in medicine is called simple. The throat with catarrhal pharyngitis acquires a red color, swells and becomes covered by mucopurulent masses. The posterior wall of the larynx can have pronounced thickening in the form of ridges and tubercles. Before the beginning of therapy it is important to find out what triggered pharyngitis - the symptoms and treatment depend primarily on the pathogen of inflammation.

Other signs of catarrhal disease:

Granulosa pharyngitis

This is a chronic disease characterized by periodic exacerbations. Sluggish granulosa pharyngitis - symptoms:

Hypertrophic pharyngitis

The described type of pathology proceeds in 2 forms. The first is granulosa inflammation presented above, the second is lateral hypertrophic pharyngitis. It is characterized by thickening and thickening of the pharynx tissues in parallel with its persistent reddening. Lymphatic and blood vessels significantly expand and swell, on the back wall large side rollers are formed.

Cough with pharyngitis is hypertrophic, dry and obtrusive. The patient suffers from prolonged seizures, during which a thick and difficultly expectorated mucus is released. A person constantly senses a "lump" in the throat, dryness, burning, itching and perspiration. Other symptoms:

Atrophic pharyngitis

This form of the disease is characterized by considerable dryness of the mucous membranes and deterioration of blood circulation in the tissues of the pharynx. Atrophic chronic pharyngitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

Pharyngitis - treatment

Therapy of inflammation of the pharynx requires an individual developed and integrated approach, especially if it occurs in a chronic form. How to treat pharyngitis, the otolaryngologist should decide on the basis of the causes of the development of the disease, its type, the lifestyle of the patient and other factors. Basic therapeutic measures include:

The better to gargle with pharyngitis?

To facilitate well-being, stopping the pain syndrome and sanitizing the oral cavity, antiseptic treatment of the larynx is necessary. Complex treatment of pharyngitis provides daily rinsing of the throat with solutions with antimicrobial activity. In acute forms of the disease and during relapses of inflammation, the procedure should be followed every few hours. Before you can cure pharyngitis by rinses, you need to consult an otolaryngologist about the medicines you have selected. Doctors prescribe the following options:

Pharyngitis - drugs for treatment

The main conservative therapy is selected depending on the cause of inflammation of the pharynx. Than to treat a pharyngitis:

  1. Antiseptics. After rinsing, it is advisable to lubricate the throat with Lugol's solution, irrigate with Camethon, Olefar, Ingalipt, Orapept and other medicines.
  2. Local painkillers. To treat discomfort in the larynx and facilitate swallowing, we use lozenges, lozenges and similar preparations with anesthetics - Septotelet, Neo-Angin, Pharyngosept, Strepsils, Hexaliz and others.
  3. Antimicrobial medications. Antibiotics for pharyngitis are used exclusively for the bacterial origin of the disease, they are prescribed only by a doctor after sputum analysis with mucous membranes and testing for the sensitivity of the detected microorganisms to different medications. For treatment, both local antimicrobials (Bioparox, Imudon) and systemic agents ( Sumamed , Erythromycin, Cefalexin) can be used.
  4. Antimycotics. Fluconazole and its synonyms are necessary in the case of the fungal nature of the inflammatory process. The appointment of such medications is also handled by the otolaryngologist.
  5. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agents. These groups of drugs are rarely used, because with pharyngitis, body temperature remains within 37-38 degrees. Only in severe cases and the presence of complications is required treatment with Paracetamol, Nimesil, Ibuprofen and similar medications.

Pharyngitis - consequences

The most common complication of the examined disease is its transition into a slow chronic form with relapses. Sometimes dangerous consequences arise if the pharyngitis is incorrectly diagnosed - the symptoms and complex treatment that do not correspond to the cause of the pathology worsen the situation. Long-term absence of therapy is considered predisposing factors to the occurrence of very serious concomitant diseases. Complications of pharyngitis: