Birth after cesarean section - when and how can I give birth again?

The birth after cesarean section causes many questions for women planning a second pregnancy. Doctors at the same time point out possible complications of the process. Consider the situation in detail, find out when it is possible to give birth after cesarean section and how the process is carried out.

Is it possible to give birth after cesarean?

According to obstetric practice, the second birth after cesarean section should be carried out in the same way. The reason for this is the presence of a scar on the uterus . This tissue area has a low elasticity, which increases the probability of rupture of the genital organ. As a result, a complication develops - uterine bleeding occurs. The situation requires urgent, surgical intervention, it is dangerous for the possible death of the mother in childbirth.

At the same time, modern studies of western neonatal centers prove that labor after cesarean section is possible by the classical method - through the birth canal. So the British doctors estimated: 75% of women who gave birth naturally, had no complications in labor. As for the consequences for the fetus (hypoxia, neurological complications), they are fixed in 1% of cases of natural childbirth . Given this information, midwives to a woman's question as to whether she can give birth herself after a cesarean section give a positive answer.

Through how many it is possible to give birth after cesarean?

Women who have undergone surgery are often concerned with the question of how much it is possible to give birth after cesarean section. Physicians in this case do not call an unambiguous time period, which must pass before planning the next pregnancy. It all depends on the speed of regeneration of the uterine tissues and the formation of a scar on it. Preliminary examination helps to determine this fact.

The obstetricians themselves are trying to adhere to the rule, which says that the birth after the cesarean section took place no earlier than in 2 years. Due to this fact, the inconsistency of the scar - increases the likelihood of developing a rupture of the uterus . In addition, the curettage in the coming pregnancy also thinens the uterine tissue, which negatively affects the restoration of the genital organ. Whether it is possible to give birth itself after cesarean section specifically taken woman - the doctor determines.

Can I give birth after caesarean in a year?

In each case, when it is possible to give birth after cesarean, the doctor determines. For this purpose, a comprehensive examination of the uterus is appointed, which includes ultrasound examination in the gynecological chair. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the postoperative scar. This tissue site has a low extensibility, which increases the risk of uterine rupture at this site. After the examination, the woman receives recommendations for planning the next pregnancy.

Are natural births possible after cesarean delivery?

Planners of the second pregnancy of women are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to give birth to a cesarean herself. Doctors do not deny this possibility. In doing so, they indicate the factors that determine the variant of the given delivery. Among them:

Contraindications for natural delivery after cesarean

It is worth noting that in such situations, not all women are allowed a natural delivery. This is due to the possibility of developing complications - after the cesarean section the uterus acquires some features. Contraindications for vaginal delivery are:

Preparing for childbirth after cesarean

Independent births after cesarean section require a preparatory stage. It begins with an assessment of the state of the genital organ. To do this, a woman gives doctors an extract from the hospital, which contains the following information:

Based on the information received, physicians draw conclusions and carry out the necessary examination. It includes:

How are natural birth after cesarean?

Natural births after caesarean section are always planned. They are held for 39-40 weeks. The process begins with an amniotomy - an opening of the amniotic fluid that triggers the birth process. The delivery itself is carried out in the same manner as always. Particular attention is paid to the condition of the scar. At the initial discrepancy, the appearance of blood, they begin emergency cesarean.

How many times can I give birth after cesarean?

On the question of how many times it is possible to give birth to a cesarean section, obstetricians have previously responded that for a lifetime a woman can tolerate only 2 cesarean. The modern development of medicine and obstetrics allows several deliveries after a similar operation. Decisions of this kind are made by a medical team that evaluate the available research results, the condition of the genital organ, the scar formed on it.

For a long time, Western obstetricians use births after a cesarean section by a vaginal route. At the same time, a low percentage of complications is recorded. This is achieved through careful study of the process of such delivery, continuous monitoring of the status of the parturient child in the process of the baby's appearance. There are cases when a woman after a similar operation gives birth to 2 children by natural delivery. In this case, the little ones themselves have no pathologies.

Natural delivery after two cesarean sections

As already mentioned above, the decision on whether it is possible to give birth after a caesarean section in a natural way is taken by a doctor. Domestic obstetricians adhere to the principle that the two previous cesareans are an indication for the third. Previously, a woman was absolutely forbidden to give birth in this case, after sterilization (ligation of the fallopian tubes) after the second operation.

How many times can I do cesarean delivery?

Modern research proves the possibility of the birth of 3 children. But it must be a cesarean. However, the question of a woman as to how many children can be given birth after cesarean, doctors do not give an unambiguous answer. It all depends on:

Before making a decision about planning a regular pregnancy, a woman will visit the medical center. Preliminary consultation with a doctor establishes the features of an anamnesis of such a woman. The gynecologist conducts a primary review in the gynecological chair, assessing the condition of the uterine throat, cervix. Detailed diagnosis of the reproductive system involves ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The conclusion is made on the basis of the information received, give advice to a woman, conduct treatment if necessary.