Early pregnancy after caesarean section

Caesarean section is an operation in which the fetus is removed from the uterus by a cut. Birth unnatural way are a great stress and stress for the female body. Any surgical intervention does not pass without a trace, so an early pregnancy after cesarean section represents a big risk not only for the health of the child, but also for the life of the mother.

Doctors recommend planning a second pregnancy after cesarean section not immediately, but at least after 2 years. This is the time required for the preparation of the uterus, and, accordingly, the scar, to the subsequent bearing of the fetus and childbirth. An early pregnancy after cesarean is accompanied by numerous complications, in particular a woman has constant soreness in the area of ​​the suture.

Pregnancy after cesarean

In order to plan a pregnancy after a surgery, it is necessary to conduct a study of the condition of the scar, namely, its ability to stretch along with the uterus. If the scar consists primarily of muscle tissue, then pregnancy is allowed. But in the case when the scar is a connective tissue, pregnancy can result in a rupture of the uterus, which does not exclude the death of the mother and child. That is why pregnancy, for example, a month after cesarean section is contraindicated.

The optimal term for the birth of a second child after surgery is 2-3 years. Do not also delay, because after a few years the scar begins to atrophy, which also casts doubt on the positive outcome of labor after cesarean section . If you are only planning a repeat pregnancy or have already found a positive result, be sure to consult with your doctor. It is the physician who must decide whether to save the pregnancy or to prescribe an interruption for medical reasons.