Sore throat

As you know, the spleen is an important hematopoietic organ in the human body. Although a person used to not notice it, because, as a rule, it does not bother him at all with pains, such as head or heart. However, there are still situations that lead to the appearance of pain in this organ, and so it is worthwhile to figure out why the spleen hurts, and how to deal with it.

The reasons for which the spleen hurts

Pain in the spleen, as a rule, occurs completely unexpectedly or after certain events. The reasons why the spleen is sore are as follows:

Symptoms of a disease of the spleen

Symptoms of the diseases of this organ are not always expressed in pain precisely in it. Problems with the spleen often spread to other organs and systems of our body. In addition to directly pain in the spleen, the symptoms are as follows:

  1. With ruptures and cracks in the body: dizziness, pain, feeling of raspiraniya in the left side, nausea, vomiting, rapid pulse, low blood pressure, cold sweat, bruising on the left side of the trunk, sometimes pain in other organs of the abdominal cavity.
  2. Spleen infarction: severe pain in the left side, tachycardia, vomiting and fever, sometimes paresis of the intestine.
  3. Abscess of the spleen: tachycardia and pain in the left side .
  4. Cyst: basically flows without any symptoms, except in some cases, pain in the left hypochondrium. If the cyst is caused by a parasite that is still alive, allergies, itching and rashes may occur.
  5. Increased spleen (for example, caused by tuberculosis ): pain in the left side of the abdomen and back, changes in appetite due to pressure on the stomach, weakness in the legs, drowsiness, apathy to life.

Treatment of the spleen

Naturally, the question of what to do if the spleen hurts is best answered by a qualified specialist. Due to the fact that pain in the spleen, as a rule, arises after its increase, the diseases of this organ are rarely detected in the early stages. Therefore, to your body you need to listen regularly and when there is pain for no apparent reason, as well as other symptoms, consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of problems with the spleen is possible with the help of manual palpation by a doctor, as well as using ultrasound.

It can be said that in case the spleen hurts, the symptoms and treatment are closely related. Since, as a rule, treatment begins with the primary source of the disease. However, this body is not valued in the same way as for example the heart, and in cases when it is not possible to cope with the disease by medication, it becomes necessary to perform an operation to remove the spleen. This operation is called splenectomy and today is carried out by two methods:

The second method is gaining popularity more and more, since after it, unlike the first, there is no big and very ordinary scar on the abdomen.

It is very important to diagnose the disease of the spleen as soon as possible. This will not only give more chances for its recovery, but also eliminate the risk of damage to other organs due to the pressure on them of an enlarged spleen. As a rule, the liver, stomach and intestines are the first to suffer from this.

Prevention of diseases of the spleen

The only important and effective prevention of spleen health is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, it is worthwhile to take care and not engage in traumatic sports and other hobbies, because very often the cause of rupture of the spleen is trauma.