Lack of vitamin B12 - symptoms

The guarantee of health is the balance of vitamins in the body, and today we will talk about the most interesting of them. Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin is a water-soluble substance containing a cobalt molecule. He was discovered the latest in the group of vitamins B. The lack of vitamin B12 leads to quite serious consequences, which will be discussed below.

The role of B12 in the body

Cyanocobalamin is involved in protein metabolism, contributing to the formation of amino acids, and also plays a key role in the process of hematopoiesis - that is why with the lack of vitamin B12, anemia is associated.

Without cyanocobalamin, the synthesis of a number of enzymes is not complete, in addition, the vitamin has an antisclerotic effect, so it is used as a cure for atherosclerosis .

The reasons for lack of vitamin B12

Deficiency of cyanocobalamin is associated with exogenous causes (lack of food containing B12) and endogenous (lack of the so-called internal factor of Kastla, who is responsible for the assimilation of the vitamin).

In the first case, signs of a lack of vitamin B12 are evident due to the exclusion from the diet of meat, fish, cheese, eggs and dairy products. Because vegans are advised to carefully monitor the level of cyanocobalamin and replenish its stock with the help of vitamin complexes.

In the second case, the symptoms of lack of vitamin B12 are associated with atrophy of the gastric mucosa, a hereditary factor, helminthic invasions, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome , stomach cancer.

How is cyanocobalamin deficiency manifested?

Vitamin B12 acts in conjunction with B9 (folic acid), and with its lack, there is:

In addition, the lack of vitamin B12 can characterize such symptoms as nausea, loss of appetite, intestinal atony, sores in the tongue, stopping the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach (achillia).

Sources B12

The peculiarity of cyanocobalamin is its almost complete absence in products of plant origin, therefore only insufficiency can be insured against signs of a lack of vitamin B12 rich products (the list is given in descending amounts of cyanocobalamin):

The daily norm of B12 for an adult: 2.6-4 μg. Also, the vitamin is synthesized in the large intestine of a person, but there it is not digested.