Parsley - medicinal properties and contraindications

Imagine a spring or summer table without parsley is simply impossible. This plant has grown fond of many and for good reason. Parsley has a mass of useful properties and a minimum of contraindications. In addition to being able to make any dish more tasty, parsley helps to improve. For this her love and folk medicine.

The healing properties of parsley seeds and leaves

In the composition of parsley - a huge amount of useful microelements and vitamins. Imagine, in a hundred gram bunch of fresh greens, vitamin C is four times more than in a lemon. That is, from a few succulent twigs you can get a daily dose of ascorbic acid, necessary for the body.

In addition, the parsley contains beta-carotene, vitamins B1, B2, K, PP, salts of potassium, iron, magnesium, enzymes. Thanks to this plant has managed to win the title of one of the best immunomodulators of plant origin.

Of all the medicinal properties of parsley, I would like to highlight the following:

Several leaves of parsley added to the dish, improve appetite, stimulate metabolic processes and favorably affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Very often, experts recommend eating parsley to patients with nephritis and diseases of the genitourinary system.

During lactation, parsley helps increase the amount of milk. Subsequently, with the help of a plant, you can put your body in order - the grass has proven itself as a means to lose weight. In addition, the plant is very actively used in cosmetology and dentistry - its juice whitens teeth and strengthens the gums, softens the skin and relieves it of acne.

The best recipes for the application of medicinal properties of parsley

Parsley can be taken as raw, and in the form of infusions or broths:

  1. Strengthening agent can be prepared in just an hour. Pour the leaves with stems with a glass of hot water and boil for a minute. After this, let the liquid steep for half an hour and strain. Drink such a decoction three times a day for a couple of tablespoons before eating.
  2. To cure urethritis , finely slice several large bunches of parsley and pour in milk. For a few minutes, heat the milk in a not too hot oven. Gently strain the medicine and squeeze (easier to do this with gauze). Drink a spoonful every hour.
  3. To improve digestion, pour a couple of glasses of purified water with a pinch of dry chopped parsley seeds. For several days the mixture should be infused, after which it can be drunk on a tablespoon before eating.
  4. Decoction of parsley with honey will save from menstrual pain.

Contraindications to the use of parsley

In order not to harm yourself with parsley, you need to use it in moderation. Simply put, even if you plant is contraindicated, several branches can be eaten without harm to the body.

And yet, in addition to a large number of useful properties, the infusion of parsley has contraindications:

  1. To use grass is not recommended for pregnant women. Parsley stimulates uterine contractions, which can lead to miscarriage.
  2. For a while to stop using the plant should be in acute forms of inflammatory processes.
  3. To damage the body parsley can with nephrolithiasis of oxaluria.
  4. Of course, the need to abandon parsley will have to those who suffer from allergies to its components.