What is useful for joints?

Academician Galina Shatalova, claimed that there was no joint disease. Slagging of the body due to malnutrition and low mobility leads to disturbances in the body's functioning, which is reflected in the joints. The system of natural recovery of the organism Shatalova very simply answers the question as to what is useful for joints, it does not contain many rules. Maintain physical activity, get up before dawn, temper the body, practice breathing exercises and eat healthy products.

What products are useful for joint disease?

Therapeutic food is based on the use of natural products that do not contain chemicals and preservatives. First of all, it is, of course, vegetable dishes. Useful for joints vegetables contain anti-inflammatory substances and substances that dissolve salt deposits. This is a cucumber, zucchini and patisson, Jerusalem artichoke , young potatoes.

Eating vegetables for treatment is necessary daily, for several months. Pain in joints passes through three months after the beginning of treatment, and the inflammatory process - in nine months. Beginning with natural healing methods, we must remember that food is useful for joints, heals all body systems.

With the help of food you can ease the pain, but you can get rid of it forever.

The American doctor-naturopath Dr. Walker believed that arthritis is the result of excessive consumption of concentrated carbohydrates, and gout - as a result of excessive consumption of fat and alcohol. To treat these diseases, he made a list of the compositions of juices from carrots, celery, parsley and spinach. It is this composition of freshly squeezed juice that completely restores the tissues of the joints. The experience of naturopathic physicians on healing from The disease of the joints indicates that the products useful for joints and ligaments are freshly squeezed juices and herbs.

Often you can meet recommendations to eat more dishes with gelatin: jelly, jelly, jelly. However, medical experiments on the use of gelatin in joint diseases were not conducted. And it is impossible to accurately answer the question whether gelatin is useful for joints.

Changing the way of life in joint diseases

Do not overload the joints and do not let them stay idle, eat live foods without chemical additives, avoid careless injuries and recommendations for the treatment of joints will be the last thing that will interest you.