Sheflera - Diseases

Sheflera is a guest from the southeast of Asia. We learned about it quite recently, but already had time to call it "Umbrella Tree". If the plant provides proper care, it will grow to impressive sizes (2-4 meters in height and up to 1.5 meters in width). This plant is able to withstand a significant decrease in temperature in the room and a lack of lighting, but like many others, it is often prone to attacks of diseases and pests. In this material, experienced florists willingly share their advice with our readers.

Problems and solutions

Many fungal diseases are treated with fungicidal and insecticidal treatment. But no less problems arise because of improper care for this plant. Often the reason for the fact that the chef is wilting and sick is the excessive humidity of the room and excessive watering. These two factors contribute to rotting of the roots, in this case, the plant must be transplanted, along with removing the affected parts of the root system. No less harm to the chef can be caused by harmful insects, the worst enemies of this plant are spider mites , ordinary scutes and thrips . Many, listening to the advice of "experienced", limited to the treatment with a soap solution of a plant infected with ticks. Great plan - water treatments for insects! In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated, these insects are resistant even to most insecticides, so it is very difficult to get them out, especially if you miss the moment. The leaves grow dark and fall off at the chef, when the plant is "chilled", to the blame of drafts and excessive humidity of the room. Enough of the horrors, let's figure out how to properly care for the plant and what to do if it has been attacked by insects or sick.

Tips for scaffolding care

Sheflera has its own natural features and needs in terms of temperature, lighting and humidity. They need to be considered if you want a strong and healthy plant. It starts with the optimal soil composition, which is suitable for the plant in the best way. It is best that the beetle grows in forest soil, which is diluted by a quarter with sand and a quarter of peat. Now let's talk about the air temperature, it should vary between 16 and 22 degrees Celsius. But the wintering prompter (from October to March) extremely negatively tolerates a temperature drop below the level of 18 degrees. Watering the plant should be done only after the ground has thoroughly dried up. It is not recommended to do this more than once a week. In the period from the beginning of April to September the plant has a period of active growth, at which time it constantly needs nutritional supplementation. After general information about the content of this plant, you can go to specific guidelines for action if the plant is already sick.

Diseases and their treatment

With proper care of the disease, you may not recognize the chef, but being aware is good.

  1. The appearance of spots on the leaves indicates an excessive watering of the plant. If they did not disappear with the reduction of watering, then it is necessary to examine the roots of the plant. In case they are affected by rot, they must be cleaned from the affected parts and treated, using "Fitosporin" or "Trichodermin".
  2. When attacking insects, you need to use the drug "Carbophos". It has an unpleasant odor, so it is better to take the plant to the hallway or to the balcony for treatment. Particular attention should be given to the fight with ticks, they often hide under the leaves, keep this in mind.
  3. Often many people confuse lack of light with a disease, because the leaves of the plant turn yellow, as when attacking a tick. Such a problem can easily be eliminated by changing the place where the plant stands, to a more illuminated one.

Using these simple recommendations, everyone can grow a healthy scheffler, and if she gets sick, then it will not be difficult to cure her.