Buckwheat diet and yogurt - how to eat?

Specialists in rational nutrition among foods of paramount importance for weight loss always mention buckwheat and yogurt . Among ordinary people, the diet on buckwheat and yogurt enjoys a good reputation, but not everyone knows how to use these foods correctly, i.e. - with the greatest possible benefit to the body.

How to lose weight on buckwheat with yogurt?

There are quite a lot of diets on buckwheat and kefir. Gentle options allow the dilution of the diet with other dietary products, more stringent - the use of only buckwheat and kefir. The result of a stricter diet is, of course, much more significant, but it can be sustained only in the absence of serious illnesses and for a short time, so that a diet low in nutrients does not harm the health of the body.

An easy kind of buckwheat-kefir diet:

With a more severe variety of diet for weight loss, buckwheat must be filled with kefir. To prepare the main course of the diet, you need to rinse a glass of buckwheat, pour the croup into a bulk dish and pour it 250-300 ml of low-fat kefir. Useful porridge for slimming will be ready in 24 hours. Glycine-filled buckwheat is used for 100-150 g every 3 hours, supplementing the intake of food with a cup of green tea. But you can not keep this diet for longer than a week!

Another simple but effective variation of the diet is steamed buckwheat and kefir. For this mode of feeding buckwheat for storing valuable substances is steamed with boiling water for the night: a glass of cereal for 500 ml of boiling water, the remaining water is drained in the morning, and buckwheat, divided into several meals (without salt and other additives), is used as the main dish during the day. To wash steamed buckwheat you need skimmed yogurt (the norm is 1 liter per day).