Perennial marigolds - planting and care

There is no way to fill the flower garden with a sun and a pleasant bitterish aroma more easily and pleasantly than planting perennial marigolds. These bright, literally emitting sunlight flowers have long been loved by many thanks to the complaisant nature and ability to survive in almost any conditions. Planting and caring for perennial marigolds are simple enough that even the most inexperienced florist can cope with them. In addition, the substances contained in these colors are so unpleasant for many pests that allow perennial marigolds to be used as a kind of protective barrier.

Planting perennial marigolds

Settle perennial marigolds on the site in several ways. For example, a favorite bush can be simply transplanted into any place you like, it is abundantly watered and this will be enough for its successful rooting. But it is much more sensible to plant marigolds from seeds, growing seedlings from them or sowing them directly on a bed.

Cultivation of transplants of perennial marigolds is carried out as follows:

  1. The terms of sowing the seeds of perennial marigolds for seedlings will vary depending on the variety chosen, but on average they occur for the period from mid-March to mid-April. Straight grades of marigolds are best planted not later than the second decade of March, and dwarf and small-leaved - the second decade of April. The marigolds planted in this interval will be able to bloom already in the middle of June.
  2. For growing seedlings, you can use both ordinary seedling boxes, and any available containers or flower pots. The container with seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place.
  3. At the bottom of the tank chosen for seedlings cultivation, it is necessary to lay a layer of drainage (sand, expanded clay, crocks, etc.). Then the capacity of 2/3 is filled with a mixture of garden soil, sand, peat and turf, taken in equal parts. After the earth in the tank is well tamped, the remaining part of the soil mixes into it. Filled in this way, the container is set aside for 2-3 days so that the soil in it warms up and starts to "breathe".
  4. After the preparatory period, small grooves are made on the surface of the soil, in which seeds sprouted in a wet rag are placed at intervals of 1 cm. The grooves are poured and the container is placed in a warm place until sprouts appear.
  5. In the flower bed, seedlings of perennial marigolds are planted in the beginning and in the middle of May.

If you mess with the sprouts frankly lazy, you can sow the seeds and go straight to the flower garden. Usually it is done in the middle or end of May. On the excavated preliminary bed, grooves are made about 4-5 cm deep, they are poured with water and seeds are planted there. After this, the grooves are sprinkled with earth and covered with non-woven covering material. After 7-10 days from the ground appear first sprouts perennial marigolds and shelter from the garden can be removed.

Care for perennial marigolds

As already noted, marigolds adapt easily enough to any growing conditions. But that they could fully reveal all their decorative qualities, it is better to grow them in open solar areas with neutral fertile soil. Growing marigolds require abundant watering, but during the flowering period it must be limited in order to prevent rotting of the roots. To the roots of perennial marigolds breathe better, the ground around them should be periodically loosened, getting rid of the weeds simultaneously.