Symptoms of heart disease

Every year the number of deaths due to heart disease increases. Often, patients discover symptoms of heart disease accidentally with a prophylactic ECG. Timely detection of signs allows you to start treatment and prevent the development of complications.

What are the symptoms of heart disease?

To avoid the occurrence of complications, it is important to pay attention to such signs:

  1. The weakening of the body is the main symptom of the disease. At the same time fatigue and weakness arise not only after a hard working day, but even after rest.
  2. Impaired heartbeat. The feeling of fading and cardiac arrest often indicates the presence of sinus bradycardia or extrasystole.
  3. Shortness of breath , rapid heart rate and breathing problems also indicate a weakness in the heart muscle. Dyspnea occurs in the supine position. In case of vomiting and coughing with it, it is important to take measures to eliminate the disease as soon as possible.
  4. Chest pain. It is often confused with neuralgia, muscle pain or heartburn. Make sure that this is the heart, you can by drinking nitroglycerin. After taking pain, it should subside.
  5. The increased puffiness, prompt set of weight speaks about the broken work of internal organs. Excess fluid does not have time to be excreted, because it begins to accumulate in the body.
  6. Sign of heart disease is also nausea. The liquid can accumulate in the stomach, which is why patients often feel nauseous.
  7. The increase in temperature is typical for inflammatory processes that pass into the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis). As a rule, the temperature does not exceed the subrefilic values ​​of 37.9 degrees.

Symptoms of heart disease in women

There are no obvious differences between the manifestations of the disease of representatives of male and female sex. The only thing is that men get sick more often. The reason for this is not only the restraint of the male representatives in their feelings and the accumulation of negative emotions. Female hormonal background, differing from male, in some degree protects the hearts of women from cardiological problems.

Characteristic signs of heart disease in women are the following manifestations:

  1. Excessive sweating can indicate heart failure, as it is inherently associated with the functioning of the endocrine system. If a woman does not drink hormones and always experiences excessive sweating, then this is an occasion to think about health.
  2. Anxiety, rapid heart rate , heaviness in the heart, a premonition of danger and the expectation of something bad can indicate heart disease.