Review of the book "The Artist is in Everyone" - Julia Cameron and Emma Lively

The book with an uncomplicated title "The Artist is in Everyone" is very unlike one of the typical books on raising children. Perhaps because her author Julia Cameron is not a psychologist, or a candidate of psychological sciences, but a writer, author of poems, plays and screenplays. Most likely this is the peculiarity of this book - it's not a textbook, it's not a guide to action, it's a kind of friendly conversation with the reader.

In fact, this book is a kind of source of ideas, which can be resorted to at different stages in the development of children. She reminds us that in each of us, by nature, there is something creative! Reading this book and using the techniques described in practice, parents can repeatedly replenish their stocks of various creative ideas in order to further help their children realize these ideas in practice.

Performing exercises from the book, which are in each chapter, you, together with your child, will be able to find hidden talents and abilities. After all, creativity is a fascinating process that makes it possible not just to have a good time, but also to form certain interests and skills in children, especially when they grow up.

With the help of the book "The Artist is in Everyone" you can easily attach the child to creativity in the most unusual of its manifestations, because even work at home, cleaning, anything - can be turned into an exciting lesson! This makes it possible to form a completely different attitude to work in the child, and a positive attitude to many features of an already "adult" life.

Another not unimportant plus of this book - it has to joint creativity, which, undoubtedly, gives an important basis for creating a strong connection with the child. After all, being a parent is not only care and responsibility, it is also a great adventure, the heroes of which you can become together!

In addition, engaging in creativity with your child will help you develop new abilities, or even re-discover yourself. After all, not every parent in his childhood had the opportunity to engage in creativity, and certainly not many of us treated homework with enthusiasm, much less creatively. Therefore, this book is just a find for a caring parent, which will help you in any situation to have a great time with your child.

A huge plus of this book is the easy and high-quality submission of information - the author was able to convey all that he wanted in a very interesting and fascinating form, forcing with great interest to proceed with reading the next chapter.