Tumor of the rectum - symptoms

For the normal functioning of the excretory system, the final formation, as well as the accumulation of feces and its excretion, is the rectum. It is the lower part of the large intestine and is only 15-20 cm in length. Despite such a small size, this organ is susceptible to many oncological pathologies. Their treatment is greatly facilitated if in time to diagnose a tumor of the rectum - the symptoms of this disease depend on the nature and quality of the tumor, the length of its growth, volume and localization.

What are the symptoms of a benign rectal tumor?

The considered type of pathological formations can be of several types:

1. Epithelial tumors:

2. Neoplasms of the muscular and connective tissue:

3. Tumors from bundles of vessels and nerves:

Most often malignant formation is converted epithelial neoplasms. Therefore, special attention deserves the symptoms of a villous tumor of the rectum and sacrococcygeal teratoma:

At polyps there are such signs:

It is worth noting that in most cases, benign neoplasms grow without clinical manifestations and do not bother the person at all. They are detected by the proctologist randomly, during instrumental examinations or finger examinations, sometimes during surgery.

Symptoms of a malignant tumor of a rectum

There are 5 stages of development of cancer of the organ described. They are numbered from 0 to 4, the last 2 stages of growth of neoplasm are considered to be severe.

Unfortunately, in the early stages (0-2), any symptoms of a cancerous tumor of the rectum are completely absent. The size of the malignant formation is still too small to produce pronounced negative effects on the body, and metastases are not yet growing.

As the neoplasm increases in volumes and affects adjacent tissues, including lymph nodes, the presence of the tumor becomes more noticeable:

Symptoms of disintegration of a tumor of a rectum

At the 4th stage of malignant growth, it rapidly increases in size, filling the entire lumen of the rectum, and allows metastases to neighboring organs. At a certain point, the tumor begins to decay, which causes an intensive release of toxins into the lymph and blood.

Symptoms of this condition are similar to signs of progression of cancer, but they are more pronounced. Additionally it is noted:

Often, on the background of cancer, inflammatory processes begin that can provoke an increase in body temperature.