How much can bifidumbacterin be given to newborns?

To treat and prevent various problems with the tummy, which often occur in infants of the first year of life, and especially newborns, the use of a drug called bifidumbacterin has become popular. He is considered almost a panacea for all problems and absolutely safe for kids. Is it really? After all, in any case, this substance is a medicine and it is uncontrolled to drink it, and even more so, it is absolutely impossible to assign it to a small child.

Bifidumbacterin for the newborn

Assign this drug, indeed, quite often. After all, when a baby was born by a cesarean section, or the mother used antibiotics in the last weeks of pregnancy to treat an infection, the baby has problems with the tummy after birth. In the risk group, babies who are on artificial feeding .

Instead of the intestine being filled with a useful microflora, most of it hosts a large number of opportunistic microorganisms, and the balance between the useful and harmful flora is disrupted, which leads to all known swelling, colic, constipation or diarrhea. In order to prevent pathological processes and prescribe this drug, which with great success builds a delicate balance.

How many days should I give bifidumbacterin to newborns?

Depending on the diagnosis of the severity of the bowel condition, backed up by laboratory tests, the doctor prescribes how much the newborn is given bifidumbacterin.

When it comes to diarrhea, it usually does not wait for the results of bapsoseva, which is done for five days, and immediately begin taking the medicine. In this case, the drug is given twice a day for 7-10 days. Usually diarrhea stops sooner, but the drug should be continued the indicated time.

When the baby is prescribed a drug for the treatment of dysbiosis, it is necessary to check with the doctor or find out from the annotation how much bifidumbacterin can be given to newborns. Usually it takes three to four weeks. Then do a month break and, if necessary, repeat the treatment.

The drug is available as a solution in ampoules or vials. They are suitable for children who do not have lactase deficiency . Those kids who have such a problem, will approach dry powder in bags, it is dissolved before use in water or a small amount of mother's milk and given for half an hour before feeding.