Treatment of staphylococcal infection

Bacterial lesions are subject to therapy with antibiotics, especially if the inflammation is extensive. Treatment of staphylococcal infection should begin with the definition of the sensitivity of microorganisms to various types of medications with a low risk of development of resistance.

Treatment of staphylococcal infection in the throat and nose

An integrated approach includes such measures:

These methods can be used for any other diseases of internal organs caused by the multiplication of bacteria in the bronchi, lungs, intestines, bladder.

Treatment of staphylococcal infection on the skin

As in other cases, dermatological lesions also require oral administration of antibacterial agents. In addition, local antibiotics should be used, such as gentamicin, methyluracil ointment, Levomecol.

In addition, it is recommended to perform regular antiseptic treatment of damaged areas with alcohol solutions, monitor the normalization of skin water balance and local immunity. Homeopathic ointments and gels are suitable for these purposes, for example, Traumeel C.

It is worth noting that in some cases, autohemotherapy is good for staphylococcus, but only as part of an integrated approach.

Preparations for the treatment of staphylococcal infection

Effective antibiotics:

An effective way to defeat staphylococcus is a special vaccine containing hyperimmune plasma or immunoglobulins.

In severe situations, medication can be ineffective and surgical intervention is used. During the operation purulent contents and necrotic tissues are removed, drainages are established to maintain sterile conditions of tissue and cell repair.

Treatment of staphylococcal infection with folk remedies

As additional therapeutic measures, you can use such non-traditional advice:

  1. Daily eat on an empty stomach a tablespoon of pulp of fresh apricot mixed with honey.
  2. Instead of tea, use a hot infusion of leaves and fruits of black currant.
  3. To dissolve in a mouth a slice of natural propolis , 1-2 times a day.