Potassium nitrate

Potassium nitrate, whose composition includes potassium and nitrogen, is one of the most popular potassium fertilizers. It is good because, in comparison with other potassium-containing chemicals, it is the least harmful to the soil. Potassium nitrate has a very wide application, primarily it is necessary for flowering plants. It should be noted that its useful properties have been noted for a long time, and when there was no chemical production, the peasants made nitrate themselves, mixing ash and manure.


The first question that we will consider is what is needed for potassium nitrate. Potassium and nitrogen are two of the three substances necessary for any plant. In general, nitrogen has a huge impact on the development of the green mass of the plant, and potassium is necessary for abundant flowering and fruiting. Potassium nitrate contains both substances, and positively affects the plant from the first days of life. First of all, the suction capacity of the roots improves, that is, the plant "feeds" better - and this is the key to a good harvest. In addition, the plant is optimized for breathing and the process of photosynthesis, which leads to a uniform development of the plant as a whole, while the tissues have a stronger structure, less susceptible to diseases.


Potassium nitrate is a fertilizer that is used both as basic and for foliar dressing. Like all nitrogen-containing drugs, it is better to make it into the soil in the spring, at the beginning of plant growth, at a rate of 20 grams per square meter. If you use other potassium nitrate ( ammonium nitrate , carbamide , etc.) besides potassium nitrate, their quantity is better to be reduced - the excess of even a very useful substance can lead to the wrong development of the plant.

Further, potassium nitrate is introduced in the form of fertilizing, especially beginning from the moment of appearance of the buds and ending with the ripening of the fruit. The amount of nitrogen in it is small, so for fruit-bearing crops this is an ideal fertilizer option. Remember that from other nitrogen-containing fertilizers from the moment of flowering it is better to refuse. To fertilize 25 grams of saltpeter is bred in 10 liters of water, watering is done every 10 or 15 days, depending on the soil and the condition of the plant. If there is a deficit of potassium - for example, little buds are formed or the ovary develops poorly - then it is possible to foliar top dressing from potassium nitrate. For this, the concentration should be slightly less - 25 grams per 15 liters, otherwise there is a risk of burning the leaves. This solution must be sprayed with a plant, it is better to produce it in the evening or in the morning, when there is no sun, in dry, windless weather.

Potassium nitrate is a fertilizer that activates flowering and fruiting, so it is impossible to use it for root crops and other crops that value vegetative parts. In this case, it is enough to add saltpeter in spring to the soil, and for fertilizing use fertilizers with high nitrogen content and reduced potassium, otherwise your potatoes can turn into a flower bed.

Security measures

Potassium nitrate is an oxidizer, it quickly reacts with various reducing agents and combustible substances, so It is also used in pyrotechnics. This property must be taken into account when storing the fertilizer: the powder should be kept in a sealed package, and as far as possible from alkaline and highly inflammable materials. In no case should you place saltpeter near the heating system or even a light bulb. The ideal option is to purchase the fertilizer in the required quantity and immediately use it.

In the process of potassium nitrate application the safety technology is the same as for any chemical substance. Mandatory - rubber gloves, use only non-food dishes, and with foliar top dressing it will be useful to protect the respiratory tract with a respirator.