Pre-eclampsia of pregnant women

Edema in pregnant women - a fairly common phenomenon. This condition arises from a violation of the process of removing fluid from the body and is characteristic of pregnant women. However, one should carefully consider puffiness, if the hands, feet, face are swelling, especially against a background of headache and high blood pressure. If you have such symptoms, you need to consult a doctor, as they can indicate the development of gestosis. A complication of preeclampsia and eclampsia is preeclampsia.

Pre-eclampsia of pregnant women, the symptoms of which, in addition to puffiness: high blood pressure and detection of protein in the urine, are found most often in the second half of pregnancy, sometimes at earlier times.

In addition to these symptoms, there are signs of pre-eclampsia:

With the appearance of these signs, it is important to urgently seek medical attention and timely first aid for pre-eclampsia.

Emergency care for pre-eclampsia prior to the arrival of an ambulance:

  1. at the threat of convulsions, put the patient in a darkened room, exclude noise, put a pillow under his head;
  2. insert between the teeth a spoon or stick so that the patient does not bite her tongue during cramps, be sure to ensure that this object does not move and does not get into the airways;
  3. with prolonged lack of breathing (apnea) to make artificial respiration;
  4. Reduce blood pressure intravenously or intramuscularly with an available antihypertensive drug (Relanium, Sedusen or others).

Complications of gestosis

Pre-eclampsia during pregnancy threatens with complications in the form of impaired liver function, increased levels of hepatic enzymes and a low level of platelets (disruption of blood coagulation). The danger for the child is a violation of the blood supply to the placenta, which will adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Pre-eclampsia of pregnant women can lead to premature birth, which is often accompanied by fetal pathologies such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and visual and hearing impairment.

Both pregnant and fetal dangerous is the overgrowth of the state of preeclampsia in eclampsia, which is accompanied by a sharp increase in blood pressure, right up to the beginning of convulsions. Eclampsia is a severe degree of preeclampsia that occurs when untimely treatment or lack of adequate medical care. Its signs, in addition to the main signs of pre-eclampsia, are convulsions, possibly a coma and a fatal outcome for the mother and fetus. Severe preeclampsia can develop both during pregnancy, during labor and at the end.

Treatment of preeclampsia of varying degrees

Preeclampsia and eclampsia are treated the only way - the birth of a child. In severe form of pre-eclampsia, treatment may require immediate delivery, regardless of the length of time, because it can lead to the death of a pregnant woman if delayed.

Preeclampsia of the middle degree in case of the threat of premature birth is treated in the hospital medically with the control of blood biochemistry, ultrasound and cardiotocography of the fetus in order to prolong the pregnancy. If the timing is close to childbirth and blood pressure is not stabilized, the birth will stimulate or make a cesarean section.

Easy preeclampsia is observed in the hospital with limited motor activity. Light is considered a condition when arterial pressure in the range of 140 to 90 mm Hg, a small amount of protein in the urine.

Prevention of preeclampsia

Regular visits to a doctor, weight control, blood pressure, regular urinalysis are the main components of gestosis prevention. Especially relevant is the prevention of preeclampsia and eclampsia for women suffering from diabetes, kidney pathologies, overweight, who have already experienced this condition, since this category of patients has a predisposition to the development of gestosis of pregnant women.