How to treat a chicken in a newborn?

How does a baby's calyx look, almost every mother knows. A small rash that is localized in the area of ​​wrinkles, on the neck, back, shoulders, head, pope, in the groin or in the armpits, is considered quite normal and easily explainable. Rashes may be accompanied by the appearance of vesicles with a transparent or serous fluid. When you join the infection, the sweating in the newborn acquires a vast character in the form of a bright red rash and diaper rash. Most often, such problems occur on the buttocks and inguinal folds due to inadequate hygiene and prolonged stay in the diaper.

What to do when the newborn is prickly?

In order for the rashes to disappear, parents need to ensure proper skin care for the baby and eliminate other possible causes of sweating in newborns and treat it as soon as possible. As a rule, a rash occurs as a result of:

Therefore, first of all, moms should regularly ventilate the room, dress the child so that he does not feel hot, watch the quality of clothes. A bath (at least twice a day in the summer), washing after each bowel movement, air baths, and are considered mandatory daily preventive measures.

Separately, there is the question of what to do and how to handle the sweating in newborns, if the rashes do not go on for a long time or the pustules appear on the skin.

In this case, you can not do without qualified help. Taking into account the characteristics of the child and the nature of the rashes, the pediatrician will prescribe a treatment, individually select the appropriate remedies for sweating from the newborn.

Bepanten in case of a newborn baby's throat

In itself, sweating does not pose a significant threat to the health of the baby. Except when there is an infection. However, rashes can adversely affect the health and mood of the crumbs. Therefore, mothers should take care of special means to care for the child's skin. One such is the preparation Bepanten, which is used not only when a newborn is prickly. Bepanten is effective for various injuries of the skin, if more accurately with the appearance of cracks, abrasions, burns, dermatitis and other childhood troubles. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves the protective properties of the skin, normalizes metabolism, eliminates painful symptoms, promotes the rapid healing of skin.