How long does the menopause last?

The duration of menopause in women can be different - it all depends not only on the individual characteristics of women, but also on heredity.

How long does menopause last?

Most often, the onset of menopause in women in the same family occurs at the same age. The course is similar and the diseases that appear or worsen during menopause, too, can often be traced to the gender of the woman. And the overall duration of menopause and each of its phases also often determines heredity. One can not say for sure, even considering heredity, how many years will the climax last, although under normal conditions it lasts from one year to 3-4 years, less often - up to 6-7 years.

The climax distinguishes three phases: premenopause, menopause and postmenopause, each of which determines how long the menopause lasts.

Periods of menopause

  1. Premenopause - a period that lasts from a year to 3-5 years, begins with a change in the regularity of menstruation, their duration and intensity and is associated with a decrease in ovarian hormones, but only after a year of absence of menstruation can we say that the next phase has begun.
  2. Menopause is a period that lasts from one to three years and it is by the duration of premenopause and menopause that women count up how long the menopause lasts. In this phase, the progesterone level drops to almost zero and atrophy changes in the uterus and ovaries begin.
  3. Postmenopause is a period when the ovaries no longer work, but atrophic changes in the uterus and ovaries are still ongoing, but to know how long the menopause will last, it is worth remembering this phase. After all, with hormonal imbalance in the body, pathological processes in the female genital organs are possible, which will have to be determined by other symptoms and studies, although the woman believes that once there are no menstruation, then there can not be any diseases.

Any bleeding or spotting during the postmenopause is a very disturbing symptom, but it is necessary to consider how long the menopause period lasts. But if even the menstruation was not a year or less, with the appearance of bloody discharge it is necessary to examine the gynecologist.