Why does the wind blow (for children)?

Most of the children at a certain period of their development become "crooks". The flow of questions from them does not stop even with eating, and moms and dads, as well as grandparents are sometimes just lost and do not know how to answer this or that "Why? ..".

Some babies come up with different questions on the go, and for every answer parents have prepared for them, they already have about five new questions on this or another topic. By the way, most often all these "Why? .." children ask their moms and dads at the most inappropriate for this point in time.

To explain to the child a complex physical or biological process so that he understands it can be very difficult. For example, here's how to answer crumbs, why the sky is blue, or why the wind blows all the time? If you start to get lost, coming up with various explanations, the child very quickly "zasyplet" you with more questions. Next, we offer you a short story for children, from which they can easily understand why the wind is blowing.

How to explain to the child, why the wind blows?

Before you begin your story, explain to the child, or even better demonstrate this experiment - if the mother's hair dryer heats up the balloon, it will be even more inflated and will start to rise up. If, after that, they put it in the refrigerator or take it out in the winter, it will again decrease in size and fall down.

Why is this happening? Yes, because the air, getting warm, it becomes easier, and when it cools it becomes heavier. Next, the baby will be easier to explain that the wind is the same air. And it is blowing because air from warm countries rises, and the cold north wind immediately flies to take its place. Wind - this is the constant, endless movement of warm and cold air.

For a more accessible understanding, you can also draw an analogy with water. Every child at least once saw the water flowing in the river. And the wind - this is exactly the same rivers, only air, which constantly flow around the whole globe.