Presentation of the fetus during pregnancy

One of the important criteria for evaluating the process of gestation is the presentation of the fetus, determined during pregnancy. Under this term in obstetrics, it is customary to understand the spatial orientation of the baby's body in relation to the mother's body. This takes into account the position of the head and buttocks of the fetus, in relation to the entrance to the small pelvis.

What is the presentation of the fetus during pregnancy?

First of all, it should be noted that finally this parameter can be established after 32 weeks of gestation. Until then, the fetus is still very mobile, can change its position several times a day.

In obstetrics it is customary to distinguish the following types of presentation:

  1. Pelvic floor. It is observed when the baby's ass is facing directly to the entrance to the small pelvis. The following types are distinguished:
  • Head. It is observed in most cases and is considered correct. Often, women ask doctors who conduct an examination during pregnancy, which means a head presentation of the fetus. Under this term, it is customary to understand this arrangement of the baby when the head is directly at the entrance to the small pelvis. In this case, several types of head presentation are distinguished:
  • It is worth noting that the pelvic presentation of the fetus during pregnancy is often called incorrect. It is noted in only 3-5% of parturient women.

    What is meant by the term "position of the fetus"?

    The location of the conditional line, passing from the crown of the fetus to the coccyx in relation to the axis of the uterus, in obstetrics is usually called the position of the fetus. In this case, classify it as follows:

    Thus, the head and pelvic presentation of the fetus in the longitudinal position completely coincide with the axis of the uterus. The oblique position - the conditional lines intersect at an acute angle.