Prick of immunoglobulin in pregnancy

Immunoglobulin is inherently a protein of blood. It is this substance that actively helps the body to withstand the effects of harmful viruses and bacteria. In addition, it promotes active replenishment in the body of IgG antibodies. This reduces the likelihood of developing diseases in a condition such as immunodeficiency. By the way, it is often observed during the carrying of the baby. Consider the drug in detail and find out what the immunoglobulin prick is prescribed for during pregnancy, at what violations it is administered.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

To begin with, it is necessary to say that there are 2 types of this drug: human normal immunoglobulin and anti-D-immunoglobulin. The first type is used in cases where there is a high probability of infection of a pregnant woman, which can adversely affect the development and health of the unborn child. It is assigned when:

Much more often, pregnant women are given an injection of anti-D-immunoglobulin, when there is a rhesus-conflict. Recall, this violation occurs if the Rh factor of the fetus and mom are different, i.e. Mom is Rh-negative, the fetus has this blood protein. This condition is fraught with interruption of the gestation process, requires continuous monitoring of pregnancy by physicians. The duration of the course is individual, controlled by the analysis of the level of antibodies in the mother's blood.

In addition, this type of drug is used in the presence of threat of miscarriage, after interruption of ectopic pregnancy, amniocentesis (sampling of amniotic fluid for research).

What are the effects of an injection of immunoglobulin during pregnancy?

Doctors strictly observe the dosage of the drug, as well as the rate of administration. After using the drug during the first hour, side effects can develop in the form of malaise, dizziness, weakness, chills, a slight increase in temperature. In rare cases, there is a violation of breathing - shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, dry cough, pain in the stomach and chest, myalgia, aching joints.