Ringworm - causes and peculiarities of trichophytosis treatment

Fungal pathologies (mycoses) are very contagious, therefore they are the most common diseases in dermatology. People have a high susceptibility to the causative agents of such diseases, and immunity to them is not formed. For this reason, fungal infections often recur or become chronic.

What is ringworm?

This disease is an infectious dermatological pathology, which is provoked by pathogenic fungi. In medicine, it is diagnosed as microsporia or trichophytosis in humans. The exact definition depends on the genus and subspecies of microorganisms that caused damage to smooth skin, hairy areas or nail plates.

Pathogen of trichophytosis

Characteristic lesions of the epidermis and its derivatives are provoked by mushrooms dermatophytes. Ringworm can cause microorganisms of 2 types, Microsporum and Trichophyton, therefore official pathology names are microsporia, trichophytosis. Synonyms of the described diagnosis:

What is dangerous ringworm?

The disease does not pose a threat to either health or life. The only thing that will happen, if you do not treat ringworm, is a change in the structure of the skin, scarring of tissues and death of hair follicles. For example, after healing, patches may form on previously affected areas. In rare cases, shearing larynx is complicated by a secondary infection. Such a disease leads to extensive inflammatory processes, often acquires a chronic course.

Trichophytosis - forms

Dermatologists classify ringworm in humans for 4 species, depending on the location of lesions and the nature of the pathology:

Surface trichophytosis

Infection with the type of disease presented is either from an infected person or from an animal. Ringworm on the head is transmitted even through objects - clothes, hats, combs, towels and other things. The incubation period of dermatophytosis depends on the carrier pathology. If trichophytosis of the scalp began after contact with a sick person or his accessories (anthroponosis variant), the first symptoms will appear only after 4-6 weeks. Ringworm zoonotic (from animals) deprive progresses faster, for 5-7 days.

Trichophytosis of smooth skin

Sometimes a fungal infection affects parts of the epidermis without a noticeable hair follicle. Because of this, ringworm of smooth skin is confused with Zhibera's disease. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to carefully study the symptoms and conduct a laboratory study of the epidermis. Pink (Zhibera) and shearing anthroponous or zoonotic lichen (trihofitiya) are provoked by different microorganisms. Their methods of treatment are significantly different, so it is important to differentiate pathology data.

Chronic trichophytosis

This form of dermatomycosis occurs only in women who, in childhood, had recovered from ringworm, but did not cure it to the end. The disease of trichophytosis acquires a chronic course in the presence of predisposing factors - weakened immunity, abnormalities of the functions of the ovaries and thyroid gland, deficiency of vitamins. The most commonly diagnosed recurrent trichophytosis of the nail, but the disease can affect other parts of the body. Common localizations:

Infiltrative-suppuration trichophytosis

The described type of dermatophytosis is transmitted to humans only from animals. Such a ringworm provokes strong inflammatory processes and is accompanied by putrefactive processes. Deep trichophytosis lasts a long time, about 2-3.5 months. After curing the disease on the affected areas, scars can remain, on which hair will never grow.

Ringworm Symptoms

The clinical picture of a fungal infection corresponds to its shape and severity. Standard trichophytosis in humans - the symptoms of hair loss on the scalp:

How does ringworm smooth skin:

Symptoms of chronic ringworm vary depending on the location of the infection:

The signs of ringworm infiltrative-suppuration form are as follows:

Stages of ringworm

The considered pathology proceeds in 3 stages, the duration of each corresponds to the form of trichophytosis:

  1. The initial stage of ringworm. Infected areas are slightly swollen, the epidermis is peeling and covered with small spots. If the fungus is embedded in the hair follicles, the density of the strands on the head is reduced.
  2. Progressive stage. At the edges of the plaques, bubbles and blisters are formed. The spots acquire a bright shade and distinct outlines, increase in size. Affected areas can itch and hurt.
  3. Active stage of ringworm. Vesicles are opened, in their place yellow or brown crusts are formed. The growth and spread of spots on healthy skin stops. After this stage, with adequate therapy, recovery follows.

Trichophytosis - diagnosis

To identify ringworm on the body, nails, scalp and differentiate it with other similar diseases, such approaches are used:

Ringworm - treatment in humans

The therapeutic approach is developed exclusively by the dermatologist individually for each patient. The scheme is made only after finding out what progression of ringworm - treatment of different forms of the disease is specific. For the therapy of a chronic recurrent type of pathology, additional support of the immune system, normalization of metabolic processes and hormonal background is required. Other types of trichophytosis can be eliminated by systemic and local medicines.

Ringworm in humans - treatment, drugs

Fungal affected areas of the skin must be treated 2-3 times daily, with antiseptic solutions, after which an antimycotic ointment, gel or cream is applied on them. How to treat ringworm should appoint a doctor in accordance with the type of disease and its severity. Effective antiseptic solutions with drying and antifungal action:

The following local preparations in the form of ointments, creams and gels help to get rid of the microorganisms provoking ringworm:

External therapy does not always ensure complete elimination of pathogenic fungi, therefore treatment is always supplemented with systemic medicines in the form of tablets. To minimize the toxic effects on the body, a dermatologist selects antimycotic drugs with a very narrow spectrum of activity, so that the drug works only against dermatophytes. Suitable names:

Systemic therapy is carried out for at least 2 weeks, mostly 15-25 days. After the disappearance of all clinical manifestations of ringworm, a three-fold scraping is performed from the epidermis surface in previously damaged areas. The first analysis is performed immediately after the end of treatment. The second study is conducted exactly one week later. The last test is 2-3 months later. A person is considered fully recovered if all 3 scrapes showed negative results.

Therapy of chronic ringworm involves additional therapies. In addition to systemic and local drugs, the dermatologist appoints:

Ringworm - folk remedies

Herbal preparations have a weak antifungal activity and produce an insufficiently pronounced effect, therefore they can be used only as auxiliary therapies. Treatment of ringworm at home should necessarily be combined with conservative methods of exposure, otherwise trichophytosis will acquire a chronic course. Before using alternative recipes, it is important to get approval from a dermatologist.

Natural ointment from ringworm


Preparation, application

  1. Boil the beetroot in a small amount of water.
  2. The resulting solution should be cooled and mixed with honey in equal proportions.
  3. To apply a remedy for infected infected pimples up to 10 times a day.

Antiseptic solution


Preparation, application

  1. Pour chamomile with boiling water.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. While the solution is infused, lubricate the damaged areas with apple cider vinegar.
  4. Decoction of chamomile filter.
  5. Saturate them with cotton pads, carefully wipe out the lesion.
  6. After half an hour, wash your head or treated skin.

Trichophytosis - prevention

Prevent infection by ringworm can be if you take the necessary preventive measures. The main sources of trichophytosis are sick people, their personal belongings, stray and domestic animals. Prevention:

  1. To observe hygienic rules - to wash hands with soap after coming from the street, to change into clean home clothes.
  2. Regularly do wet cleaning with antiseptic solutions.
  3. After visiting the beaches, swimming pools, saunas and similar places immediately wash bathing accessories, take a hot shower with soap.
  4. Avoid contact with infected people and animals.
  5. Do not use other people's personal things - combs, headdresses, towels and other items.
  6. To wash at least once in 2 days.
  7. Wear clean cotton socks.
  8. In places of public bathing always wear rubber or silicone personal slippers.