Paraproctitis - causes

Paraproctitis is a rather serious bowel disease , which is accompanied by an inflammatory process, and provokes a certain number of infections.

Paraproctitis - the causes of

The causes of the disease are quite different. It is possible to note some of them that occur most often:

As a result of the above causes of paraproctitis, infection occurs, and purulent tumors are formed. Note that the abscess can develop in most different places, since it depends on the immunity of a person and his age. Such purulent formation can be located deep between the muscles of the perineum and the buttocks. There are cases when the abscesses are formed directly under the skin of the perineum.

Ischiorectal paraproctitis - diagnosis

To determine this form of the disease using a finger method of examination. In this case, the doctor discovers a certain compaction in the area of ​​the anorectal line, and during the examination, pain in the perineum increases. At the same time, various instrumental methods of diagnosing are used extremely rarely. Ischiorectal paraproctitis is more often formed under the rectal mucosa and therefore the presence of an abscess can be determined only with the help of finger research. Often with such a form of paraproctitis fistula occurs in a complicated form, the treatment of which is prescribed according to a certain structure. In some cases, ultrasound and sigmoidoscopy are used as diagnostics.

How is the disease?

As a result of accumulation of pus in the crypt, a large number of purulent depths accumulate. Most often, such tumors do not pass by themselves, and surgical intervention, in particular, an operation to remove abscesses, is required. In the process of opening pus, the infected part of the rectum is removed and disinfected. If you do not operate on time, pus can get into the large intestine, due to that there is a general infection and accordingly the disease progresses even more. Often after surgery, there are relapses, the course of which is quite complex.

Since this disease is accompanied by suppuration, the main task of treatment is the timely removal of purulent deposition and further postoperative care, so that the paraproctitis does not happen again.

The paraproctitis disease is quite complex and painful, therefore, if there are already the first symptoms and the detection of purulent tumors, one immediately needs to be treated.