Room Primrose

Primula, also called primordium, is a herbaceous perennial or annual plant blooming in early spring. The primula received its name from the Latin word "primus", which means "first", since the primula blooms one of the first after the winter.

It is common for the primrose almost everywhere. Now more than five hundred different species of this beautiful plant are known. The leaves of the primroses have a cordate shape and form a basal rosette. Flowers come in a variety of bright colors.

Growing primroses is not a very tedious process, so if you want to "start" a house with bright flowers, gladdening look, then primrose is the best option.

How to care for the primula?

Care room for the primula contains:

Care of the primula after flowering does not constitute a problem at all. A pot from the room primrose should be rearranged to a shady place and moderately watered.

Primary primaries are transplanted in September-October. The pot is needed wide and not very deep. At the bottom of the pot must drain the drain. Typically, for planting primrose, soil is obtained from a mixture of one part of the peat land, one part of the leaf and one part of the sand. This is the perfect combination for growing primrose.

Reproduction of primrose occurs by seeds or by dividing the bush.

  1. Seeds are sown in late autumn. Pots with seeds should be placed in a shady place and kept in high humidity. A maximum of two weeks later there will be shoots, which can already be transplanted into different pots. As the primrose grows, it can be transplanted several times into more suitable pots.
  2. Sharing a bush is best at rest, around the beginning of autumn. The bush is divided into parts and placed on pots. After a while, as the divided bushes completely get accustomed, they will start to grow.

Pests of room primrose - aphids , thrips and spider mite . Special means will help to get rid of these harmful insects. Also primula is prone to various diseases, such as: gray rot , peronosporosis, fungal diseases. Careful and quality care will help prevent these diseases.

Benefits of room primrose

From the flowers of primroses brew tea, which positively affects the nervous system, and young primrose leaves are used in salad.


It should also be remembered that some species of primrose can cause an allergic reaction accompanied by rashes on the skin. Therefore, before buying primrose you need to know exactly whether it causes an allergy.

Care and growing room primrose - not a problem, but only a pleasure, because after spending a little time and effort, you will get beautiful bright flowers that will decorate your windowsill, a blast of color against the background of gray high-rise buildings.