Productive thinking

Productive thinking is thinking, in the course of which new knowledge arises. It can be described as a type of thinking, giving a new final product, which ultimately affects mental development. It is productive thinking that allows not only to quickly and deeply absorb knowledge, but also be able to apply them on new conditions.

Productive and Reproductive Thinking

Unlike productive thinking, the reproductive type is responsible only for the assimilation of information and the ability to reproduce them in approximately similar conditions. Despite the fact that this type of thinking will not allow you to make a discovery or bring something new, it is very important, because without it it is difficult to get the initial knowledge base.

To distinguish productive thinking from the reproductive one is very simple: if a certain new thought product becomes a result, then thinking is productive. If, in the process of thinking, new knowledge does not form, but only the process of reproduction of knowledge takes place, then thinking is reproductive.

Development of productive thinking

In order to develop a productive thinking, first of all you need to think specifically. Compare: "I will lose weight" and "I will not eat after six." If the first statement is generalized and most likely does not lead to anything, the second one speaks about a concrete intention and is productive.

It is important to accustom yourself to abandoning empty thoughts: memories, negativity, experiences without reason. Starting to think, think about what this idea will lead you to. If it's pointless, you'll just waste your time. This filter should be applied not only to your thoughts, but also to your conversations, as well as to communication and life in general. Do not communicate with people from nothing to do and do not read books that will not teach you anything. Pay attention to more important activities that will bring you some benefit.

To develop productive thinking as the basis for a productive lifestyle, you should have a schedule for each day. This will allow you not to waste time in an empty and discipline yourself. It is desirable to communicate with people who are developed and highly organized - you can learn from them the most important qualities.

Tasks that involve productive thinking

Your work necessarily involves productive thinking. After all, in this vein, you can achieve much more vivid results. Think about whether you need to change something in this area? How should this be done? What tasks to solve? What kind of things to do first? If, during your thinking, you stumbled upon negative thoughts, be sure to change them into positive ones. Approaching it so to your working days, you will improve your results.