The Technique of Managing Human Consciousness

The desire to control other people lives in one way or another in each of us. Only someone wants to give orders, and someone more interested in the possibility of hidden control the consciousness of another person. Some will immediately remember the gypsies who immerse their victim in hypnosis, under which a person is totally subjugated to the will of the manipulator. You, of course, can also learn the art of hypnosis , but using it, it's like opening a carved box with an ax. If you want the manipulation to remain invisible, you need to act much thinner.

The Technique of Managing Human Consciousness

To begin with, you need to remember that absolutely uninvolved people do not exist. And if a person claims that no technique of controlling human consciousness on him will work, you know, this person is an easy target. Usually people who are in the strict framework of any beliefs lose their flexibility of thinking, and to convince them of their rightness becomes easier. In addition, having discovered the subject of conviction, you can no longer look for the weak point of the interlocutor, you can start working with this fact.

To control the consciousness of another person is possible, it is necessary to understand his innermost desires, to learn about his weaknesses. Agree, there is not always time to gather information about the impact object, sometimes it is necessary to influence the course of communication when you see a person for the first or second time. Therefore, anyone who wants to influence the interlocutor, will require a high level of observation. If this quality does not exist, you will have to develop it in parallel with memory training, since you will need to memorize the smallest details for compiling your own catalog of human responses to a particular stimulus. Remember, in similar situations people can act differently, but the first reaction will be the same for them.

Finding a person's weak place, try to play on it. Well, to find the impact points, you need to ask a couple of clarifying questions. Learn about what to ask, you can watch a bit of the object before the conversation and during the greeting. Already during this time you can make an approximate portrait of the interlocutor, he is powerful or likes to obey, what are his material needs, marital status, hobbies and much more. If you need to convince someone in some way, try twice to offer him unquestioned statements, with which he will agree, the third time the interlocutor will be more disposed to a positive reaction.

As you can see, the technique of controlling human consciousness is very simple, if only you know how to "see" people. That's why the best manipulators are people who studied psychology.