Stages of conflict

Communication is difficult to imagine without conflicts, which are diverse in nature and at the same time their stages have significant differences from each other. But it is impossible to live without harming one's own health, when you constantly argue with someone, so it's worth knowing what the stages of conflict resolution are.

The main stages of conflict development

1. The phase preceding the origin of the disagreement. Conflict generates a similar ... conflict. The last is the tension between rivals, which is caused by some kind of contradiction. However, it is important to remember that the latter do not in all cases lead to consequences of a conflict nature. This creates only those discrepancies that rivals consider, even unconsciously, as the incompatibility of personal interests, views, principles with the interlocutor's vision of it.

So, the arising tension is a psychological state of people and since it has a hidden character, it is referred to as a stage of conflict of a latent type. Its main component is dissatisfaction with the present state of affairs or, for example, the development of current situations. This creates an increase in the level of tension. At the same time, a hidden conflict inside everyone turns into a clash with another person. In turn, it is transformed into an open conflict stage. But it is important to note one fact: a conflict situation can exist without being poured into something more (conflict). To implement this transition requires intervention of some situation, actions in the course of events. The incident can be accidental, or specially built. It is not ruled out that a third party can create it, which does not participate in the dispute.

In the current situation, there are several options for how future developments will develop:

2. Conflict in person. During the course of this stage, the conflicting parties may change their views, both about their own and the opponent's capabilities. As a result of new, arising during the disagreement, a certain revaluation of values ​​takes place. It changes the tactics of both sides, their behavior. Conflicting individuals begin to find ways out of the situation. This moment symbolizes the beginning of the final period, the transition to the third phase.

It is important to note that the stage of conflict development can develop as follows:

3. The completion phase. This stage involves both negotiating and formalizing agreements, backed by the signature of the legal entity. Temporary truce is the main condition for the beginning of the negotiation process. But the option is not excluded that peacefully the conflict situation will not end and both sides are ready to aggravate disagreements. This is done in order to strengthen their positions.

Possible ways to resolve the conflict: