Ovarian cyst - symptoms and treatment of a woman depending on the type of education

Cystic formations in the reproductive system are a frequent illness of women of reproductive age. At the initial stages the disease does not manifest itself in any way. Knowing what the ovarian cyst is, symptoms and treatment, women can suspect their illness and seek medical attention.

Ovarian cysts - species

A cyst is a benign formation that has a cavity filled with a liquid inside. It has no connection with the tumor, but the risk of its degeneration into cancer exists. In this case, the ovarian cyst appears, the symptoms and treatment of a woman will be considered in the article, may be in the menopause, in the reproductive age and even in girls. Depending on the structure, contents and characteristics of origin, the cyst on the ovary can be of several kinds. In gynecology they distinguish:

Follicular ovarian cyst

This functional ovarian cyst is formed on the site of a ripened follicle. Its formation occurs when for some reason the process of ovulation is difficult. A ripe egg does not break the follicle and does not come out of it. As a result, it begins to grow and is filled with liquid. At the same time, its walls become thin, and the size gradually increases. At the initial stages the disease does not manifest itself in any way. Often, functional cysts are found during a woman's examination of:

Endometrioid ovarian cyst

When this type of cyst is formed, the presence of endometrial tissue cells is fixed on the ovaries in women. Normally they are contained only in the uterine cavity. The endometrium is rejected monthly, and its elements can in some cases penetrate the sex glands. As a result of such changes, a capsule with endometrial tissue is formed, which is located inside the ovary. With each new menstrual cycle, there is an increase in the volume of education.

The endometrioid cyst can be considered by doctors as a consequence:

Dermoid ovarian cyst

This cyst in the ovary in women can be formed even at the intrauterine stage of the development of the reproductive system. It often contains adnexal tissue in its cavity. With a careful examination of remote education, surgeons often record the presence of fragments of bone tissue, muscle fibers, fatty tissue. The cyst is surrounded by a dense capsule, its growth occurs slowly, but constantly. Outwardly the disease does not manifest itself, therefore it is diagnosed when the formation reaches a large size: the organs and tissues that are located nearby are squeezed, their function is disrupted.

Paraovarian Ovarian Cyst

Paraovarian ovarian cyst is a cavitary formation that forms in the appendage area: the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Often a cyst is formed in adolescent girls during puberty. The impetus for development is the increased growth of organs of the reproductive system, which begin to function at this time. About the presence of the disease, young girls learn when going through a comprehensive survey aimed at identifying the cause of the violation of the cycle of menstruation. With this type of cyst, there is a high risk of adhesions, so doctors advise it to be removed.

Mucinous ovarian cyst

Education is benign and often formed in women over 50 years. Mucinous cyst of the right ovary (more often it affects) is characterized by the presence of cells in the structure that are similar in structure to the lining of the vagina. Often the cyst is multi-chambered, has round or oval outlines, a tuberous surface. From other formations is characterized by rapid growth and increased tendency to malignancy (3-5% of all cases of the disease).

Yellow Ovarian Cyst

This cyst in the ovaries forms directly in the cortical layer of the gland. The basis for it is the yellow body - a temporary formation, consisting of a cluster of endocrine cells. It is formed at the place where the follicle was before ovulation. The yellow body promotes the onset of pregnancy with successful fertilization, synthesizing progesterone. If conception does not occur, reverse development occurs. At this time, some of the cells can be involved in the pathological process, as a result of which a cyst is formed.

Education has a rounded shape and a flat surface. Inside it contains a liquid of yellow color. Yellow body cyst refers to functional formations - it is capable of self-resolving during 1-3 menstrual cycles. Such an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is also not uncommon. Doctors use expectant tactics. Treatment is carried out only with large amounts of formation or attachment of infection or inflammation.

Ovarian cysts - causes

Talking about the causes of this disease, doctors often use the term multifactority - the aggregate of several pathological processes that provoke a cyst. It is difficult to establish specifically what caused the disorder and triggered the pathological process. In some cases, the disease can be the result of another violation in the reproductive system. Considering such a pathology as the ovarian cyst, the reasons for its development are the following:

  1. The presence of frequent surgical interventions in the anamnesis. Operations on the reproductive system, abortions always lead to a disruption of the structure of the sex gland tissues.
  2. Hormonal failures. Violation of the hormonal system leads to the development of functional cysts.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. Adnexitis , salpingoophoritis, endometriosis , and sexual infections are common causes of cyst formation in the sex glands.
  4. Diseases of the thyroid gland. Insufficient production of hormones by the gland ( hypothyroidism ) adversely affects the work of the reproductive system of a woman.
  5. Endocrine disorders. Diabetes mellitus, obesity provoke a change in the hormonal background, and as a result - increases the risk of ovarian cysts formation.

Ovarian cyst - symptoms

When an ovarian cyst is detected, the symptoms and treatment of a woman completely depend on the stage of the disease. Pathology does not have specific symptoms, so it can be masked for other diseases of the reproductive system. This greatly complicates the process of diagnosis - most cysts are detected by chance or if they are suspected of other diseases. The first signs of a patient's ovarian cyst can be fixed independently only with a significant increase in education in size. In general, when the ovarian cyst is formed, the symptoms for women are as follows:

  1. Soreness in the lower abdomen. A symptom appears when the cyst in diameter reaches 4 cm or more. At the same time, women complain of dull, aching pain in the lower third of the abdomen, which can increase with physical exertion and sexual contact. More often the pain is localized on the one hand. Often unpleasant feelings of the patient describe as the appearance of a feeling of heaviness and compression in the side.
  2. Pain when urinating, violation of defecation. Unpleasant feelings the patient begins to experience every time you visit the toilet. In this case, the total number of urination per day increases. The pain is caused by the rapid growth of education, which presses on neighboring organs.
  3. Violations of the menstrual cycle. With the development of cysts that can produce hormones, amenorrhea often occurs. In other cases, the disease can be accompanied by painful periods, increased volume of discharge, and delay in menstruation.
  4. Increase of abdomen. This symptom occurs when the formation reaches a large size or develops ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity).

Ovarian cyst rupture

Violation of the integrity of the cyst is a frequent complication of the pathological process. Provoke it can:

If a woman suddenly bursts of the ovarian cyst, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. The presence of complications can be identified by specific symptoms:

Ovarian cysts - consequences

Talking with the patient about the dangerous cyst on the ovary, the doctors put forward the possibility of her becoming a cancer in the first place. However, more often in medical practice, there are complications associated with the growth of the cyst - torsion and rupture (discussed above). The first is possible, if the cyst has a leg - a thin outgrowth, to which the capsule itself is attached. As a result, there is a violation of the circulatory process in the tumor itself, bleeding that requires urgent medical attention develops.

A large ovarian cyst (symptoms and treatment of a woman examined above) can squeeze nearby organs. This leads to a disruption of their normal functioning. The bladder and intestines are most often squeezed by an overgrown cyst. However, in the absence of necessary therapy, it is possible to develop gynecological diseases. Often they are due to those degenerative processes that occur in the sex gland itself.

Cyst on the ovary - treatment or operation

When the ovarian cyst is diagnosed, the treatment is prescribed taking into account:

Functional cysts (yellow body and follicular) are well suited to conservative therapy. The basis of her hormone and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, it is not always possible to cure a cyst without surgery . To surgical intervention resorted to:

Ovarian cyst - treatment without surgery

Before treating the ovarian cyst, the doctor determines its nature and the cause of the formation. The therapeutic process is based on hormone therapy. For the treatment of ovarian cysts use combined oral contraceptives. They restore the work of the sex glands, prevents the formation of new ones. Among the medicines used:

With such a disease as the ovarian cyst, treatment with folk remedies can be considered as additional. Among the herbs and plants used:

Removal of ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst (the main symptoms and treatment of a woman is not always universal) is often amenable to radical therapy. Operative intervention in the presence of formations in the ovaries can be carried out in 2 ways:

  1. Laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst is a radical way of treating the disease, in which access to pathological education is through small punctures. The operation is carried out under the control of video equipment, resulting in a reduced risk of traumatization of nearby tissues.
  2. Laparotomy - is performed through a cut in the anterior abdominal wall with large size and malignancy of the cyst. During surgery, the surgeon completely examines the cavity of the small pelvis, excludes the presence of new foci.