Exercises for memory

About forgetful people say: "Maiden memory." Why do some people literally remember everything they hear or read, and others can not remember even the details of yesterday? Much depends on the state of human health, its age and the presence of bad habits . Well, those who have phenomenal abilities in this area, just know some secrets of memorizing information or perform special exercises for memory.

How can I improve my memory ability?

First of all, it is necessary to ensure regular oxygen saturation of the blood, which means that you should spend more time in the fresh air. Secondly, quit smoking, if there is such a habit, since tobacco reduces concentration and worsens brain work, however, like alcohol. Scientists have found that nerve and brain cells are extremely in need of calcium, so before you look for information on how to develop memory through exercise, you need to increase the proportion of sour-milk products in your diet.

The most important element for the work of memory is magnesium. It is found in cereals, vegetables, chocolate, etc. But glutamic acid or what is also called an acid of the mind can be obtained from liver, milk, beer yeast, nuts, wheat grains.

Exercises for the development of memory, attention and thinking

  1. Try to restore the full picture of yesterday by the minute. If a piece of time has fallen out of memory, take your mind off for something else, rest, and then try to remember again.
  2. A good training for visual memory is to peer at the faces of people passing by, and then mentally reproduce their appearance in every detail.
  3. You can train your memory with an exercise that is easy to accomplish, even when doing routine tasks, for example, when shopping at a store. Remember the price for each product that you put in the basket, and mentally put the money in your mind, counting the total amount. You can check the correctness of the calculations at the checkout when you pay for the purchase. Count how many steps you need to take to get into the apartment, climbing the stairs, etc.
  4. As an exercise for developing attention and memory it is recommended to read the list of words that are not related to each other for two minutes, for example, honeysuckle, spinning, lace, vegetation, youth, wealth, zucchini and so on. Closing the list, try to reproduce it on paper in the order in which it is recorded.