Ginger diet for weight loss

Ginger has recently entered our life, but has firmly secured the title of one of the most useful products for the human body. And as it turned out, he can not only benefit, but, in addition - ginger helps to lose weight. This is due to the fact that the root of ginger contains essential oils and phytoncides, which slightly increase body temperature and accelerate metabolism , which helps the body to burn calories more efficiently.

In addition, a drink of ginger helps to blunt the feeling of hunger and after using it you less and less want to eat. Ginger helps to lose weight to everyone who tastes a diet with its use, but the results are different for everyone. Someone for a month can lose 10 kg, and someone 3-4 kg. Here everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body and on what you eat during your diet and in what quantities.

The fact is that the ginger diet is that you just have to drink a drink every day from the root of ginger, while eating in principle as usual. But this does not mean that you can continue to eat cakes, buns, etc. and expect that ginger will negate all the negative consequences of using such products. This will not happen, sitting on a ginger diet, if you want to achieve a result, you should exclude all the "bad" foods from the diet. Your menu with a ginger diet for weight loss should consist mainly of greens, vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat and fish.

With all the advantages of this diet, the ginger diet also has serious contraindications. It should not be used by people who are allergic to citrus fruits, as they often do not tolerate ginger. Ginger can also harm those who are prone to bleeding and have closely located vessels. Contra-indications for weight loss on ginger diet also apply to pregnant and lactating women, (as this can cause an allergy in a child), with gastritis, ulcers, colitis and inflammatory diseases. Also cautious should be hypertensive patients due to the fact that ginger can increase blood pressure. If you carefully studied all the features and contraindications to the diet and yet want to lose weight on ginger, we will share with you the most successful recipes for weight loss from ginger

Ginger drink with antioxidant effect



Mix ginger with rose hips, place this mixture in a thermos bottle and pour with hot water. Infuse the drink 2-4 hours and drink one cup 30 minutes before eating. If you do not have fresh ginger, you can use dried, but its amount should be reduced to 0.5 - 1 tbsp. spoons.

Ginger drink with green tea



Green tea brew as usual. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon, mix it with grated ginger and put it all in a thermos. Pour hot green tea and insist 3-4 hours. Drink a drink in a warm form for 150 ml 30 minutes before eating. He will not only contribute to the harmony of your figure, but also to tone up your body.

Ginger drink with lemon



Wash lemon and cut slices together with peel. Fold it together with ginger in a thermos and fill with hot water. Insist a drink 4-6 hours and drink one glass for half an hour before meals. To improve the taste, you can add a little honey before use.