How to deflate the chest?

Many women, dreaming of a beautiful and large breasts, are intensively trained in the gym on different simulators. Before you figure out how to pump up a girl's breasts, it's worth saying that there are no muscles in this part of the body, which means that it is impossible to increase the size and change the shape of exercises. At the moment, only plastic surgery can cope with these tasks. Regular exercise will help strengthen the pectoral muscles, which helps to prevent flabbiness and reduce the risk of lowering the breast. As a result, the breast looks visually more beautiful and lasts longer the natural form.

How to deflate the chest?

There are several exercises that allow you to load the muscles of the chest . Perform them regularly, including in the main complex. Each exercise is recommended to be repeated in several approaches 10-15 times.

  1. Push-ups . We begin to find out how to pump up the breast at home, with a basic exercise that everyone knows. It trains not only the muscles of the hands , but also the breasts. First, you can perform push-ups from the knees, which allows you to reduce the load. When the muscles get stronger, you can already take a traditional position. To increase the load on the pectoral muscles, hands must be placed wider than the shoulders. The back and legs should be kept even. If you want to pump the upper part of the chest, then the legs should be placed on a hill, for example, on a chair. In the event that you put your hands above your legs, the load will move to the lower part of your chest.
  2. Chest press . If you are interested in how to pump up the breast after giving birth, then it is worth paying attention to this exercise. It will not require much effort, the main thing is to have dumbbells, the role of which can be performed by a bottle of water or sand. Breast wrist is also considered a basic exercise. It can be performed on a bench, but also in extreme cases on the floor. In hands take dumbbells palms forward and settle down on a back. The task is to lower the dumbbells until the shoulders are parallel to the floor. The elbows should be sent in different directions. Then put your hands back to the starting position and repeat the exercise again. Move slowly without jerking. If the head is above the pelvis, then the load will fall on the upper part of the chest, and if on the contrary, but on the lower part.
  3. Breeding of dumbbells . Another effective exercise, which should be in the complex of people interested, how to pump up a woman's breasts. The greatest load is obtained by the pectoral muscles. While on your back, keep dumbbells in extended arms so that your hands look at each other. The task is to spread your arms to the sides to the level that shoulders are parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat all over again. You can bend your elbows a little.