Tincture of raspberry

Aroma and sweet raspberry tincture can be cooked at absolutely any time of year - it will turn out tasty as from fresh, and from frozen berries or even berry jam. You can also make a tincture using express recipes, or you can put a drink longer, to preserve a rich berry flavor. All the most delicious raspberry tincture recipes we collected further.

The recipe for tincture on raspberries



Berry raspberries carefully sorted, remove the stems and adherent leaves, then rinse the raspberries from possible contaminants. Discuss the washed berries and pour them into a jar, then pour clean water and cover the jar with a lid. We put the capacity in the refrigerator for 1.5 months.

At the end of the time, raspberry liquid is drained into a separate clean jar, and the berries are sprinkled with sugar, again tightly closed and returned to the refrigerator for a period similar to the previous one. Separate raspberry syrup is bred with the previously prepared liquid and vodka, after which we cool the mixture and enjoy a fragrant tincture of raspberries.

How to make a tincture of raspberries on alcohol?



Washed and dried raspberries are covered in a clean jar and poured with vodka. Leave the berries for 3-4 days in a dark place at room temperature. After the allotted period, we drain the tincture from alcohol into another jar.

Cook a thick, clear syrup of water and sugar. Mix the syrup with a tincture of alcohol, pour the drink into bottles and leave in a cool place for 2 weeks. After the time has passed, we filter the tincture into clean dry bottles and use it, or store it in a cool place for an unlimited time.

By the same scheme, you can make a tincture on vodka with raspberries, but keep in mind that preference should be given to vodka of good quality.

Preparation of homemade tincture from raspberry on cognac

Tincture on cognac is an independent drink that differs dramatically from its "vodka" analogue both with taste and aroma. Try and see for yourself.



Raspberries are sorted, washed in cool water and dried. Berries fall asleep in a clean and dry jar, after which we pour cognac so that it completely covers the berries for 2-3 cm. Cover the jar with a lid and leave for 2 months in a warm and dark place. After the time has passed, we filter the drink through a cotton-gauze filter and pour it on the bottles. Tincture can be consumed immediately, but can be stored in a cellar or any other dark and cool place.

How to make a tincture of raspberry jam?

If you are stagnant raspberry jam, which is sugared or simply not suitable for future use - let it cook for tinctures. The main thing is that such a jam should not be spoiled, that is, covered with mold, otherwise instead of a fragrant tincture it turns out sour braga.



Prepare a tincture of jam can be elementary simple. Mix raspberry jam with vodka in equal proportions, then cover the jar with the mixture of the lid and leave in a dark warm place for 3-4 days. During this time, you should mix the drink several times so that it does not crystallize. Next tincture is filtered through a cotton-gauze filter and bottled. If the drink was much stronger than you expected - dilute it with a small amount of clean filtered water.