Puppies of the East European Shepherd Dog

Bringing a puppy of the East European Shepherd into the house, we must try to leave him and his mother as painlessly as possible. After moving to a new house is a great test for a puppy. Therefore do not aggravate it yet and the transition to a new kind of feeding. Learn from the breeder how he fed the puppy, and for the first time continue to feed him at home as well.

Feeding puppies of the East European Shepherd Dog

One of the main indicators of good health and appetite is the weight of a puppy of the East European Shepherd. At the age of one month the baby should weigh 3.5 kg, and in a month and a half - 6-8 kg. For a good weight gain, it is important to properly feed the puppy. This should happen in one place and at about the same time. Food should not be hot.

Up to two months of age the puppy should be fed six times a day. At the age of 4 to 6 months, the puppy eats five times a day, from 6 to 8 months it should be fed four times, and from 8 months to a year - three times a day. After a year the puppies are fed as an adult dog - in the morning and in the evening. Milk is given to the puppy only for up to three months, then gradually the porridge starts to cook on the water, but the lactic products must be in the diet of the East European Shepherd dog all the time.

At the age of more than 3 months, the puppy's diet should consist mainly of raw meat, vegetables, cottage cheese and fish. Meat is the main food for a dog. It's better if it's low-fat beef, cut into pieces. Fish can only be given sea, slightly welded. It is useful to teach the puppy to eat fruits and vegetables in raw form.

If you want to feed a puppy of the Eastern European Shepherd not natural food, but ready-made professional feed, then do not mix these two types of food. Fresh water should always be in a place accessible to the puppy.

It is forbidden to feed a puppy of the East European Shepherd with fatty meat varieties, smoked products, spicy and spicy food.

Raising a puppy of the Eastern European Shepherd Dog

The East European Shepherd is a breed of dogs whose upbringing requires the master to be patient and persevering. And to start to bring up the puppy it is necessary at once, as soon as have brought it home. Parenting a puppy is very closely related to the correct content of your pet. Before starting to train, the child must be trained in all the necessary skills, with which he will be easier to learn in the future. The puppy should know his nickname well, perform the simplest commands: "To me", "To sit", "To lie down", "Place", "Aport". To learn it it is necessary only in the game form, without application of even the slightest violence. Each task performed by the puppy should be encouraged by caress, praise and delicacy. And the upbringing , and subsequently the training of the puppy of the East European Shepherd must pass from simple to complex and from easy to more difficult.

Educate, and in the future and train the pup should be the same member of the family. Do not hit the baby! The only possible physical punishment for him - not a little pat on the withers. If the puppy has committed a certain offense, then it must be punished immediately after it was committed, and not after some time, since later the kid will not understand what he is being punished for. Do not let the puppy climb on the bed, take food from your table. Moreover, all prohibitions must act constantly, without any exceptions. It is worthwhile for you only once puppy to allow something forbidden, and it will not be able to wean it any more!

Puppy must learn to communicate with other dogs. This will make it more daring, and in the future it will be less aggressive. You can not let the kid run after other dogs, birds or cars.

If you establish a reliable contact with your puppy of the East European Shepherd, you will develop good service qualities in it, then an excellent watchdog will subsequently grow up from your pet.