Soup diet for weight loss for 7 days

Soup diet for weight loss is a real salvation for those who need to bring their body in order in a short period of time and without a strong sense of hunger .

Soup for weight loss - a recipe

Soup diet for 7 days is based on the use of soup, vegetables and fruits.



Vegetables finely chopped and along with the string beans pour cold water, put on a strong fire and cook until boiling. Now reduce the heat and cook the soup for about 25-30 minutes. Then add the tomato juice, pepper, salt and mix. After 10 minutes, remove the prepared dish from the fire.

Diet of soup diet

Soup diet for a week assumes everyday use of soup (before saturation), unsweetened tea, and also some other products.

Monday : fruit (under the ban only grapes and bananas).

Tuesday : vegetables are green, except for legumes and green peas.

Wednesday : fruits and vegetables in any quantity (exclude bananas and potatoes).

Thursday : 1 cup low-fat milk, fruits and vegetables . Bananas can be eaten no more than 2 pieces.

Friday : Fresh tomatoes and not more than 0.5 kilograms of beef in boiled form.

Saturday : vegetable salad (before saturation).

Resurrection : brown rice and vegetables.

Adhering to the soup diet for weight loss, it is very important to give up bread, alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks.

With all the rules of this technique, you can get rid of 5-8 kilograms of excess weight in 7 days. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding are the main contraindications to this diet.

Another recipe for a diet on soup