Frequent headaches in women - causes

The headache is very multifaceted - aching, acute, pressing. Sometimes this phenomenon is accompanied by nausea, sound and photophobia, tachycardia. We do not consider the problem worthy of special attention, preferring an analgesic pill to a doctor's visit. However, the causes of frequent headaches in women can have a systemic nature, that is, quite serious.

Causes of permanent headaches in women

Headache in women under 30 is rarely associated with hormonal processes. But after this date, many of us have to experience on our own experience, what is the restructuring of the body. Headaches and dizziness may appear 10-15 years before the onset of menopause. It can not be said that it is a question of strong pain sensations, but rather of tangible discomfort in the region of temples and brow ridges. They can appear 1-2 times a week, and also activate a few days before the onset of menstruation.

The most optimal solution to the problem is the use of sedatives and traditional analgesics - Analgin, Paracetamol.

Also frequent headaches occur in women prone to hypotension. Low blood pressure worsens the blood circulation of the brain, it begins to experience oxygen starvation. Hence the pain. To solve this problem it is possible with the help of drinks narrowing the walls of blood vessels or containing caffeine, but it is much more useful to fight headaches of this origin through physical education. Increased motor activity, especially in the fresh air, significantly improves well-being. This is one of the simplest ways to check whether the causes of headache in women with hypotension are related. Men suffer from low blood pressure significantly less.

Those who constantly high blood pressure, these feelings are not familiar. Nevertheless, a sharp jump, hypertensive crisis, is also accompanied by an acute headache. It has a pulsating, squeezing character and is a signal to immediately consult a doctor.

The main causes of severe headaches in women

Cluster pain

The most severe headaches are cluster headaches. They have histological origin and almost do not give in to treatment. The attack lasts usually from 30 minutes to 2 hours, when lying, the pain intensifies. Fortunately, this is a rather rare phenomenon.


Symptoms such as headache and nausea in women can be caused by a migraine attack. No pill in this case will not help - the only medicine, it's peace and quiet. There are other signs:

Since migraine is closely related to vegetovascular dystonia, many of the symptoms are characteristic of this condition.


Headache on a regular basis can arise due to a brain tumor, or inflammation of its shell - meningitis. In this case, additional symptoms should appear, such as the inability to lean your chin against the chest. The doctor will perform the exact diagnosis.

Cold or flu

It also happens that the deterioration of well-being comes as a result of viral and colds. A severe headache is also caused by:

There is this symptom and with the flu. To treat in this case you need the underlying disease, the headache will pass by itself.

Other reasons

Often, the causes of headache can not be determined even after detailed examination by different doctors. In this case, it can be assumed that the pain is associated with long-term injuries of the head, neck and spine, or general intoxication of the body. Try to remember all the injuries, starting from childhood. Usually in them lies the source of the problem.