Rapid fatigue - causes

If you are tired after a long working day or after a journey, then this is quite normal. But, if it continues every day, from morning till evening you feel like a squeezed lemon, you need to pay attention to it, understand if such a fast fatigue has some serious reasons and what should be done to feel again full of strength and energy.

Fatigue is a state of the body in which the level of its working capacity decreases due to mental or muscular overstrain.

Increased fatigue - the causes

  1. Lack of balanced nutrition.
  2. Insufficient amount of time for rest.
  3. Prolonged, active physical work.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Thyroid dysfunction.
  6. Depressive state.
  7. Abuse of alcoholic beverages.
  8. The recently transferred infectious disease or ARVI.

Signs of physical fatigue

  1. Violation of the rhythm.
  2. Decreased accuracy.
  3. Weakness when performing any movements.
  4. Lack of balance in movements.

Signs of mental fatigue

  1. Inhibition.
  2. Nervousness.
  3. Tearfulness.
  4. Deterioration of mental function.
  5. Impaired visual acuity.
  6. Impairment of appetite.

Increased fatigue

Increased fatigue is a feeling of energy exhaustion, in this regard, you want to either sleep all the time, or lie down. With severe physical work, emotional overstrain, bad rest, this reaction of the body is quite natural. Sometimes such fatigue can indicate mental or bodily diseases.

In case the increased fatigue is caused by some disease, it can last a very long time, despite the rest. It is worth noting that even long periods of fatigue can be replaced by stages of activity.

Normal state of increased fatigue is for adolescents in the puberty period. At this stage, the psychological environment of the adolescent plays an important role.

Usually, such fatigue can be triggered by a metabolic disorder or with a change in the hormonal level, a malnutrition.

It will not be superfluous to note that fast fatigue and drowsiness are signs of neurasthenia (asthenia). This condition is inherent in many patients with neuroses. Such people react very sensitively to bright light or sharp noise. From this they experience frequent headaches, feel tired, even though they have recently rested. They find it difficult to relax, they always feel anxiety. Neurotic patients are difficult to concentrate. They are scattered. Often, there is a dysfunction of digestion of food.

Weakness and fatigue can be signs of chronic fatigue. This is explained by the large number of both physical and psychological loads on the body. And the more these loads, the more a person's body needs oxygen.

Increased unequal or physical fatigue leads to a violation of metabolism (unnecessary accumulation in the body of hormones, lactic acid and amino acids). As a result, metabolic processes are inhibited, and the products of metabolism are not derived from tissues.

How to deal with fatigue

  1. Do not forget to move. Physical loads can activate the production of endorphins (joy hormones), making your sleep stronger, increasing the number of red blood cells in the blood, improving the oxygen supply of cells.
  2. Fatigue will disappear if your treatment is complete. Do not forget that you need to eat often, but in small portions. This will ensure that there are no sharp changes in the blood glucose.
  3. The more you consume caffeine, the less energy will be in your body.
  4. Review the medications in your medicine cabinet. Fatigue can be a side effect of a drug.
  5. Enrich your diet with multivitamin complexes.
  6. Reconsider your views on the world around you. Become an optimist.
  7. Refuse bad habits.

So, treat with respect to your body, do not allow stressful situations or physical exertion to exhaust it. And this means that you will be able to prevent a feeling of fatigue.