Rating of dry dog ​​food

Today, a lot of dog food is produced all over the world. And to choose from them a really good food is not an easy task. Most often when buying, we look at the information that the manufacturer gives to us on the label of one or another feed. However, this is not always complete information.

But even after carefully studying it, you can find that many dry feeds are made on the basis of plant material. But a dog is a predator by nature and needs meat first of all.

If you see information on the content of raw protein and raw fat on the package of dry food, then there will be no useful information. After all, the food is dry!

Plant cultures that are part of dry food contain protein, but not the one that dogs need: their body, inadequate special enzymes, poorly digests plant foods. Such plant ingredients are added to feed for cheaper products.

Do you know what your dog really eats and what does the feed that you feed consist of? Are you familiar with its composition, do you understand what ingredients are useful, and which are harmful to your pet's health? An independent rating of dry dog ​​food, presented on the site "Feed the pet properly" will help in this sort out and pick up feed.

Let's try to find out together what the ratings of dry dog ​​food presented in our market. Analysis of dry food for dogs allowed the most high-quality feeds to assign six stars, and the most substandard - one star.

  1. Dry food 1 star . In the composition of these feeds, there are no meat products at all, however, at their cost, fodder is far from cheap. This category includes such brands as: