Scallops - good and bad

Sea scallops are considered special delicacies. These products contain a huge range of nutrients, but they also have contraindications. In this regard, the topic of the benefits and harm of sea scallops has always been closely watched.

Useful properties of scallops

  1. These gifts of the sea contain iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorus and copper. It was found that all trace elements from mollusks are absorbed completely. Therefore, they will be very useful for people with arthritis, gout, rheumatism, joint and bone diseases.
  2. Sea scallops regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood. This is due to the high content of sterol. The latter is known for its usefulness in heart diseases. It should be noted that the sterol includes vitamin B12, which improves mood and helps fight depression.
  3. Another benefit of sea scallops is to increase sexual attraction in men. They regulate the reproductive function and even can eliminate impotence. These mollusks have long been known as excellent aphrodisiacs.
  4. They contain vitamin PP, which replenishes the composition of enzymes that affect cellular respiration. It was found that scallops increase the overall tone of the body, so it is recommended to people of advanced age.
  5. For the organism, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are very important. They prevent the risk of serious and in some cases incurable diseases. These acids also form part of a useful mollusk.

Caloric content of sea scallops

Molluscs have gained great fame in dietetics. Having such a large number of minerals, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, scallops are very low in calories. 100 g of the product contains 90 kcal. In addition, seafood speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, they so successfully fit into various diets and allow cells to get all the necessary vitamins. This has a beneficial effect on the figure - the result will be visible after a few months of regular consumption of seafood.

Contra-indications of scallops

Molluscs are not recommended to eat people with an overabundance of calcium in the body. Also at Some people were allergic to one of the elements that make up these seafood. At sea scallops there is one unpleasant feature - they accumulate toxins. Therefore, before buying, you need to carefully look at their appearance. There should be no blue, plaque or unpleasant odor on top. In some cases, these signs led to poisoning, and not allergies.

The use of sea scallops is invaluable. These amazing seafood give the human body almost everything you need. Therefore after their use, there is an ease and emotional uplift. It is important to remember the purchase of fresh products and their proper storage.