Consequences of meningitis in children

Meningitis is an acute infectious disease in which the brain is affected. Especially dangerous is the meningitis diagnosed in the child, since it can lead to death.

If, nevertheless, the baby gets sick with this ailment, the parents are most concerned with the question of what consequences the children may have after the meningitis transferred.

Purulent meningitis in children: consequences

More than half of the small patients may experience various complications after having had meningitis. Much depends on the health of the baby, his age and the individual ability of the child's body to resist disease.

After having had meningitis, the following effects can be noted in the child:

However, it should be noted that such serious consequences are observed in two percent of cases. It is believed that if the child has already had meningitis, then the probability of repeated infection is minimal. But in every rule there are exceptions. Therefore, no one can guarantee that the child will not get sick again in the future.

Recovery after meningitis

Rehabilitation of children after meningitis is to restore the work of vital functions and social adaptation of the child after the disease.

The complex of rehabilitation measures is conducted under the supervision of a neuropathologist in a specialized neurorehabilitation center. The recovery period is as follows:

Parents should understand that the process of recovery after such a serious illness can take a long time: it can take not only a few months, but several years. It is important to be patient, support your child, be close and help him and follow the plan of rehabilitation activities, which is separately developed in each case.

After recovery, the child remains for two years on the account of a pediatrician, infectious disease specialist and neurologist. If the residual phenomena of meningitis are absent, then it can be removed from the register. Further, dispensary observation will be necessary as usual in accordance with WHO recommendations.

To avoid infection with meningitis, it is important to carry out vaccinoprophylaxis in time. However, such a vaccination can not give a 100% guarantee of non-infection, since there are a large number of types of diseases that it does not cover. And the vaccine itself does not last more than four years.

Despite the fact that this serious disease has serious consequences, complications after meningitis can be minimized. The only thing that parents can do is closely monitor the health of their child and, at the first symptoms of the disease, immediately seek medical help, as well as strictly follow the recommendations of the treating doctor.