Brushes on the cervix

The appearance of tassels on the cervix can not be attributed either to the normal phenomenon or to the pathology requiring treatment. The opinions of the doctors on this issue also diverge, therefore, if you were informed of the presence of multiple cervical cysts during a routine examination, you first need to understand what it is and what kind of danger it represents.

Polycystosis of the cervix

So, first, let us recall the course of anatomy. The cervix consists of two types of epithelium:

The place where they meet is called the transition zone. It is here that, as a rule, cancers form. Under the influence of various factors (we'll talk about them later), it happens that the squamous cell of the flat epithelium is superimposed on the cylindrical epithelium, in consequence there is a blockage of the excretory ducts of the glands. The mucous secret is accumulated, and small brushes are obtained on the cervix.

Now let's talk about the causes and consequences of the appearance of cyst of the cervix. In general, physicians identify several causes of these violations:

The cystic cervix of the uterus in most cases does not give the woman any uncomfortable sensations, that is why it is found out on examination with colposcopy. Externally, the cysts look like round formations of yellow-white color.

The appearance of small cysts of the cervix can be single or multiple. With a large number of diseases called polycystosis of the cervix.

Brushes on the cervix - treatment

Many gynecologists refer the appearance of brushes to a normal phenomenon. However, in recent years, most still tend to the necessary treatment. This position is based on the fact that pus accumulates in the place of education. As a consequence, it must be removed by surgical intervention. The sequence of treatment of brushes on the cervix is ​​as follows:

  1. First of all, before the appointment, a complete examination of the patient is carried out, including: examination in mirrors, enlarged colposcopy, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, analysis of the flora and hidden infections, and a swab for oncocytology is also mandatory.
  2. Then, depending on the results of the study, the number of cysts, their location, the age of the patient, the doctor prescribes the optimal treatment option. It can be burning with liquid nitrogen, electric current, laser or radio wave method. Laparoscopic excision of tissues is also practiced. Operative treatment, as an extreme method, is used in case of poor cytology or with suppuration.
  3. Following is prescribed medication. To prevent recurrence, drugs that improve blood circulation and metabolism are recommended, and homeopathy can also be used for this purpose.
  4. An important point in the treatment process is the elimination of the cause of the appearance of formations. Obligatory before the intervention is treated with urogenital infection, the hormonal background is restored.

Although the diagnosis of a tassel on the cervix can catch a woman by surprise, since this ailment is asymptomatic, it is not necessary to panic. This is not the most terrible disease of the genitals, especially since many specialists still refer to normal natural phenomena. Despite the divided opinion, the decision on treatment should be made by the patient herself, having weighed all the pros and cons.